Alright. . . .this quick-and-dirty, 100% non-alphabetized glossary of frequently used words and phrases might help you understand my crazy Grady Doctor world a little better. Be warned--most of them have virtually zero to do with medicine. . . . .
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The Ugly Cry |
- F.P. : Favorite Patient
- F.P. All-Star: One of the all time favorite patients
- Y'all: Youse guys
- The B.H.E. : Harry Manning aka The Best Husband EVAAAHHH.
- Mental iPod: A song playing in your head at the time (mental iPods have unlimited storage, man!)
- The Hairy Eyeball: A look that you give someone when you are mad, annoyed, suspicious, impatient, frustrated, shocked, or any other adverse emotion. Abbreviated as: 0_o
- SG Alpha: My first medical student small group, EUSOM class of 2011
- SG Beta: My second med student small group, EUSOM class of 2013
- SG Gamma: My third med student small group, EUSOM class of 2015
- Miss: Doctor (usually a term of endearment)
- Nurse: Doctor
- Thing One: My oldest son, Isaiah
- Thing Two: My youngest son, Zachary
- The Cocopugs: Isaiah and Zachary collectively (taken from SkippyJon Jones)
- The Great Poodowski: Zachary
- Grandpa: Isaiah
- Papa (pronounced Pa Pa): My dad, my kids' grandpa, head counselor of Camp Papa
- Poopdeck: My dad
- Tounces: My mom
- The Gradys: Grady Hospital (because it used to be segregated into two hospitals in one building.)
- Neil W.: My mentor slash partner in Grady crime; a usual suspect on this blog
- The Friend Hoarder: My sister, JoLai
- Homegoing: A funeral for an African-American person of Christian faith
- Bieber Bombing: Zachary's answer to the "Rick Roll."
- Grady elder: Any Grady patient over the age of seventy or who is so super wise that they might as well be.
- Gone home: Someone passed away
- 'Preciate you: Thanks
- The Ugly Cry: The cry that can't be reeled in (see Halle Berry, above); from Oprah's vernacular
- A mi-nute: A really, really long time (the intonation is important with this one)
- Check it: Now pay attention
- Dope: really cool
- What are you? -- What is your race? (Usually a question asked by people of color to other people of color. Go figure.)
- I'm sayin': emphasizes anything
- Mama'nem: your immediate family
- Your Peoples: everybody in your whole family, cousins and playcousins included
- Cawse: because
- Lawd: Lord
- Sho' nuff: For real, legitimately
- Bona fide: Always follows sho' nuff to emphasize it.
Oh yeah. . . . and 'preciate you!