Friday, May 29, 2015


Watching Zack play flag football. #thedayhesaidilookedlikeacoolmom

I like hanging out with myself. Seriously. I do. I amuse myself. I think of certain things and laugh out loud all by myself. Other times I move myself to tears. 


I guess thats all a part of being friends with yourself, you know? Yeah, man. I think this is why I love a good selfie. Because for me, it's not so much about me thinking I look ultra cute or anything. I'm usually just spending time with me during a piece of my day. And whatever I'm feeling in the moment or thinking about prompts me to take my own picture. I know. Crazy right?

Well. I actually have quite the collection now. And for me, they remind me of little slices of my life. The extraordinary ordinary--which is pretty much how I describe it.  In fact, I told my friend the other day, "I call them 'life-ies" because they have a way of chronicling my life for me.

Today I looked at my collection and it made me feel happy. Here's a few slices that you've probably seen before, but oh well. Here they are again. 

With hashtags.

Why, you ask? Why not?

#redcupseason #peppermintsoylatteextrahot #cutemanicure

#youonlysmoketwocigsperweekhuh #umyeahokay

#girlyoulooktired #somebodyhadjustsaidthattome #butreallyiwasjustmissingmysister

#atlantaskyline #youcanfindmeintheA #pitstopduringgeorgiahalfmarathon

#magentareaders #whatsnottolike

#wasrememberingmysissy #andlaughcryingatthesametime

#whenapatientkeepsontalking #butyouhavetogo #butyoudontbecuasethatsrude


#averycoolday #thedayididmyJAMAreading #iwashappy

#boldlipday #fornoreason

#hadjustinterviewed3blackstudents #wasfeelinglikeimwhereimsupposedtobe

#ladyvomickingontheplane #rightnexttome #thewholetime #eeweeweeeew

#oneofmyfaves #ihadjustlostapatient #butitwasadeathwithdignity


#hotasfishgrease #decidedthatdaytoneverdoasummerhalfmarathonagain

#footballmama #mighkickyoazz #donttryme

#inthezone #learnerbreakthrough #feelingawesome

#walkingintoanewday #feelinggrateful

#hangingwithmyfirstborn #alwaysagoodtime

#thatmomentwhenyoufinishyourlongrun #theoneyoudidntwanttodo

#VIPattheoutkastconcert #oneenchantedevening

#HBCUhomecomingweekend #perfecthomecomingweather #proudtuskegeegirl

#afterroundsonasunday #realizingthatgradyischurch

That's all I've got for now. Night night.

Happy Friday.


  1. I love your selfies. I generally need to take about 20 to get one I like, so I don't like to take them. LOL.


  2. Thank you for chronicling your story. I look forward to reading these posts since i accidentally came across this blog while looking for info about being a chief resident. I check my email regularly and wonder what you're up to when you haven't posted. As a young black female doc myself, you truly inspire me!

  3. Love this. I personally love the "we are tucker and you are?" Shirt! You are one hot mama! 😉. And of course an amazing doctor, mentor and friend. Miss you tons!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan

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