Required Reading

Monday, January 20, 2014

Where was the BHE during our King-a-palooza?

Brother Manning has dedicated much of his post-military career to revitalizing the historic MLK corridor of Atlanta. Yep. So where was he during our King-a-palooza? Simple. The B.H.E. was working today -- on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive--where he owns most of his businesses. So pretty much? Every day is a King-a-palooza for him--like, literally.

And you know what? I have proof--check out this video clip from today's evening news. So proud. Sigh.

Damn, I love that man. Lawd knows I do!

*pounds fist on the kitchen table for emphasis and nearly wakes up the kids.*

Happy MLK Day. Again.


  1. Aw. What a man! And I see him in your boys so strongly. Beautiful!

    1. Yeah. He's pretty much awesome. I am crushing on him this week after that segment big time!

  2. Replies
    1. I know, right? I'm proud to be his wife. He puts his money and time where his mouth is.

  3. You have a great man, and a great example to your boys! God bless all of you! Sassy

  4. Yeah yeah yeah!!! That's my BIL brother-in-love!!! So awesome & so proud!!!



"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan