Required Reading

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Random morning haiku.

I like who I am
Got loving eyes of my own
that say, "You're enough."

Life isn't perfect
but it's more sunshine than rain
and more joy than pain

Happy Thursday.


  1. From the deck of the Poop,
    Love the photo. Thank for sending me to " A work in progress"


  2. That last picture cracked me up. How did you do that? :) So cute. Sweet Jo

    1. ha ha ha. . . it was a piece of black construction paper. Zachary had just lost that tooth so that was me being snaggletoothed in solidarity with my baby. Ha ha ha.

  3. Love the snaggle picture. My 5 year old's front tooth is loose and I can't wait for the cuteness. Guess what--I saw your BHE today on my way to a meeting in DeKalb! I said, are you Dr. Manning's husband? LOL! I think he was taken aback to be recognized from the blog, hahaha!

  4. Way to represent National Poetry Month!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan