Required Reading

Saturday, February 16, 2013

We still love her more.

Today is Tounces' birthday. This is her, looking all sassy at the poolside, circa back-in-the-day. Could she possibly be any cuter? I think not.

Look at her. Hair all done up, likely drinking some kind of adult beverage and watching her kids splashing. She was probably feeling thankful that she'd paid for some solid swim lessons (and also dreading the mounds of kinky, chlorinated hair that she'd have to comb out later on that night.)

Mmm hmmm.

Yep. It's Mom's birthday. We've been loving on her so far and don't intend to stop. JoLai is here and that's good. This day is going to be hard for her. It already has been. But it's been good, too.

Deanna, on that same day in the pool

It's her first birthday since the new normal started, so there will be icky parts. Thinking of the perfect celebration we had for her last year has been bittersweet. Sweet because it was so full of love and special moments. Bitter because Deanna was there in person but can only be at this one in spirit. I just thought of something--there was a little video clip taken of Will and I from that night. It was a pivotal moment captured on film that Deanna thought to grab for posterity. I have always loved that it exists, but now will love it even more knowing that it was taken with her eye. Yes. We're missing her today. Especially today.


That said. There will be toasts. There will be hugs. Wine will be poured and just as we promised last year, we will always, always let Mom know that we love her more. More than she will ever know.


Happy Birthday, Tounces.

New to this blog since last year? Read about Mom's perfect 65th birthday and see that little video clip here. We are a very blessed family. We know that. Thanks to all of you for continuing to think of us -- and especially her.

This one is for you, Tounces.


  1. Oh dear, the tears, watching that video again, knowing that you didn't know at the time, how fleeting all those moments were going to be. Happy 66th Shug! Wishing you so many more with your incredibly awesome family. You done good!

  2. As much as the Rolling Stones have captured me lately, there will never, ever be anyone whom I love as much as the Beatles. And that song is my favorite.

    Please tell your mama happy birthday. Please tell her I am grateful to be able to know her here.

    Thank you, lovely woman.

    Thank you.

  3. Happy Birthday Shug ( is it ok that I call you that ?)! Clearly, as they say, Black don't crack , honey !!! :) ...and clearly, with regards to beauty and your children,,,they get it from their mama :) Many, many many more!

    Maria, fellow Meharrian to Kim

  4. Happy Birthday Tounces! I love that picture of her, and of Deanna. Both, so pretty.

    I remember that video, because it made me tear up. I can't believe it's been a year.

  5. Happy belated birthday to your mom. May the love you all share continue to be a blessing in your family. Thank God for memories.

  6. Is is possible for a woman to grow MORE beautiful as she grows older? I know it is because your mother did it! I know that the reconciliation between you and your brother warmed her heart even more than the red wine. What a lovely present to all of you. Give her my best and thank her for giving us YOU. Give her an extra couple hugs from Deanna, who is surely here in spirit.

  7. Happy, Happy, Happiest to your sweet mother! I know each "first" is hard and different and a struggle so my thoughts and prayers and love are with all of you. I hope the ankle is improving and does not remain 'flicted...
    Love, Coach B


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan