Required Reading

Monday, February 11, 2013

Music Lyrics Monday: Colorblind.


I am colorblind.
Coffee black and egg white.
Pull me out from inside.
I am ready I am ready.

I am taffy stuck and tongue tied.

Stutter shook and uptight.
Pull me out from inside.
I am ready I am ready.
I am fine.

I am covered in skin.

No one gets to come in.
Pull me out from inside.
I am folded and unfolded and unfolding.

I am colorblind.
Coffee black and egg white.
Pull me out from inside.
I am ready I am ready.
I am fine I am fine.
I am fine.

~ Counting Crows


I was running to this song recently and somehow it made me feel like I could fly. Like literally leap up into the air, churning my legs into the atmosphere like Elliot on that bike in E.T. 

I just find this song to be so hauntingly beautiful. Kind of like. . .I don't know. . . like it puts me in a trance when I hear it. Like I could run to it forever. 

Crazy, I know.

What does it mean? I don't know. But it is poetic. And like a lot of good poetry and good lyrics it means something different to me every time I hear it.

You can decide what it means to you. . . . .

Happy Monday.

Now playing . . . . 


  1. I'd never heard this before, but, yeah, it is haunting. Reminds me of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

  2. I love this song!! I got hooked when I was watching "Cruel Intentions."

  3. This is one of my favorite all time songs. love it.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan