Required Reading

Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's Valen-times Day!

Me on Valentine's Day 2002 - present

Me on Valentine's Day 2001 and before

February 14 is here! 100% inflation on roses and expectations for you to do things that you feel too damn tired to even wrap your minds around! Yes! It's Valentine's Day!!!


Hoping yours is all cherries and not the pits.

The sultry smize I gave a stranger named Harry across the room circa 2002. Ha ha. . .NOT.

Oh! And don't forget to smize. (In my experience, it leads to chocolate-covered strawberries and more. . . .even if you're old and 'flicted.)


Happy Valentine's Day from a reformed Valentine's Day Hater. Or as Zachary call's it "Valen-times Day!"


  1. The grands have been here today and it has been one big Valen-Time festival festivity after another.
    (I am too old for this but it is glorious anyway.)
    Have a good one, sweet doctor-sister-friend-lady.

  2. Uhmmmmm maybe you could be cuter, but I doubt it. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

    Mucho love,


  3. Over here, Valentine's Day 2013 has largely depended on the mental ipod (trading musical memories with a couple of girlfriends and, yes, someone else as well.

    Thanks from Switzerland for bringing that concept into our lives

  4. I used to be a hater too. But how can you hate a day when one of the joys of your life sends you a heart he cut out of pink construction paper and wrote one of his first love letters on? My heart is bursting with joy!

  5. Hope your day is filled with self love and lots of family love. If your photos are any clue I suspect it will be!!!!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan