Required Reading

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Two for the road.

Number one, this:

This is the yarn bounty of the creative Auntie Deanna.

Uhhh, yeah.

Turns out that people who love to crochet have lots and lots of yarn. Like lots. Deanna loved to crochet and she loved us. This meant that she had a long queue of things she was going to make for all of us. So, yeah, there was a ton of leftover yarn. A ton.

What to do?

Well. Mom heard of this sweet woman who, after losing her dear husband, started knitting hats for babies in hospitals. I was so impressed when Tounces found out that she was local so hunted her down. Yes, she did! Mom took it upon herself to contact this woman and this woman replied. Tounces told her about Deanna and all of the yarn that was now in our possession. Then she asked to donate it to this beautiful cause.


And so they met up. Well, actually, Mom met up with her whole knitting crew. And she told them all about Deanna and they all listened. And that dear woman told my mother about her husband and they hugged and cried and reflected right then and there together.

Sure did.

The amount of yarn was a bit overwhelming when the dear woman saw it. But overwhelming in the very, very best way.

I was super proud of Tounces. Super proud that she went through with that and that she put a foot forward to do what Deanna would have totally wanted her to do with that yarn.

Go Tounces. You done good, Mom.

Number two, this: 

My brother, Will, had a birthday today. The twenty-fifth anniversary of his twenty-first birthday. Ha ha! Yep. The first of the Draper four was born on this day. Which means Tounces and Poopdeck had a mommy and daddy-versary. Yep. So we all had dinner, those of us in Atlanta, and it was perfect and beautiful.

Family is a beautiful thing. Birthdays are a beautiful thing.

And you know? Life is, too.


Happy Sunday. Again. And happy birthday, Will.

Thanks for being so gracious, y'all.


  1. This is my like button. I'm activating it now. You are good people.

  2. YEAH. Happy Monday!

    Maria, fellow Meharrian

  3. Both of these things- the giving-of-the-yarn and the celebration-of-the-life make me very happy. Beautiful.
    Like your family.

  4. Go Tounces, indeed! What a wonderful way to honor Deanna's memory...

  5. As an avid knitter, I can think of no better way to honor your sister than donating her stash to someone who will make hats for babies...your sister is givng you the big thumbs UP. God bless your mom for doing that. I know it was hard.

  6. All that yarn... all those unfinished projects... now in the hands of someone who needs to keep her hands busy. Beautiful. Imagining all that love that has been blessed on that yarn, and on those hands that will make the stitch, to be placed on those precious baby heads... oh, yes! Beautiful, indeed.

  7. Lovely. All that yarn, all those projects unfinished, it is so good that they will warm little baby heads in the hospital. My Daughter Em, got one of those little hats when she was born. She is now crocheting like a madwoman at 15 - !! and has more yarn than the largest Rubbermade tub we bought can hold. It is everywhere, this yarn, and I marvel at her creativity and perseverance making this amazing things I could never make.

    Your mom did a good thing, and the thought of your sister's yarn rippling out into the world like that, it a beautiful thought.

  8. Being able to do something memorable sometimes means having to give things away; I know it takes an inner strength to do that. Great job, Dame! And you too, Kimmeh.

  9. I love this story Kimberly! I will be sure to share this with the Creative Expressions Crochet Group Deanna introduced me to. This may be an idea for a future group project. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Wonderful. I love the whole yarn story and of course a family birthday gathering is always good.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan