Required Reading

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Don't hate.

Grady doctors, Jason S. and Kimberly M.

Can't you see us smizing? Ha ha ha. Tyra, Mister and Miss Jay would totally keep us in the running for America's Next Top (Public Hospital) Model. I'm just saying.

Mmmm hmmm.

What? Don't hate.  (No. I mean, like, seriously--don't.)

Happy Wednesday. This post was inspired by this.


  1. I love it! But tell me more! Was that part of a project? When was the picture taken? And you look fahbulous dahling!

    1. Ha ha! Yes, that was from the NOH8 campaign that went all around the country a few years back (in the pre-gray hair rinsing era.) A bunch of celebrities were featured but we just showed up in Midtown one day, gave a donation to the cause and had our picture snapped. They had professional makeup artists and everything. I convinced Jason to let them put mascara on him to make his blue eyes "pop." I think it came out awesome -- especially Jas and his baby blues. :)

  2. Bwahahahah @ ( public hospital) model!!!!!!

    Maria, fellow Meharrian

  3. Are you sure you're not an actor out here in Los Angeles? I mean, seriously, woman -- you're gorgeous.

    Oh, and the message is superb.

    1. How sweet are you? I wish you could have seen how silly we were during that shoot. And Jason and I both talk soooooo much so having us both muzzled with duct tape is hilarious.

  4. I LOVE that pic! You, my dear, are ABSOLUTELY. GORGEOUS!
    (You are rockin' that pixy cut) ;-)

    1. Awwwww you know I was loving your short cut, too! :)

  5. Replies
    1. Well that is a high compliment coming from one of my favorite photographers. :)

  6. The hair, the make-up? Absolutely slammin'!

    I get the message, but ya'll look SEXY!!!

  7. You did a NoH8 picture and didnt tell me?!?! You got some splainin to do!!!

    I love it!

    1. What? I tell you everything. Are you sure this is not the first sign of early dementia?

      Question: Where are we right now? And who's the president of the United States. . . . ah hem

      hee hee.

  8. Can't wait to see these plastered in the MARTA bus shelters, lol. You look gorgeous and your partner in silence isn't too hard on the eyes either.

  9. Replies
    1. I know. It's for antidefamation toward LGBT folks, but I think the message words for any and everybody getting de-famed, don't you?

  10. This is totally unrelated, but I thought a lot about you today. I went to the ER after a bad horse accident. I've had six concussions before, and I fit the symptoms perfectly and even more severely than normal. I also did something to my elbow (gut says broken, but definitely willing to see that it may just be a sprain). Lastly, my previously broken back was in so much pain I was unable to feel my legs or walk properly. I saw my assigned doctor twice, and both times he walked away from me in the middle of my sentence. After finding out I was a student and that pain meds don't typically work for me, he decided I wanted pain meds for rec use and declared all my X-rays and CT scans to be normal. He even told me that, regardless of what the top spine specialist in my hometown said, I had never broken my back and I was making up the numbness and lack of normal movement. Between him and the nurse, I was left in tears repeatedly, not to mention still being in excruciating pain. All I could think about it how you, even when you think something is up with the patient, work so hard to have such a wonderful bedside manner. I knew you wouldn't think it was all in my head or leave my in tears. So, I guess this is just to remind you that you are so appreciated, even by people who don't know you in real life.

    1. That deeply touches and hurts me to read simultaneously.

      I'm sorry your caregivers weren't kind. I really am.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan