Required Reading

Friday, December 21, 2012

Signs of life.

 Love, a word that comes and goes
but few people really know
what it means to really love somebody

Love--though the tears may fade away
I'm so glad your love has stayed
'cause I love you
and you showed me. . .

what it really means to love.

~ Kirk Franklin


I don't have a lot of words this morning. Just pictures showing signs of life--or rather my life--this past week. I hope you are doing well today and that your days have been merry and light.

A very kind stranger I met in the Grady lobby who described herself as "a loyal reader of my blog." Thanks for that!
Fun with old friends and silly faces.

Our old Jack and Jill South L.A. Chapter friends--together again.

Me--the purse-fiend--coveting a friend's seriously amazing LV bag. It should be mine!
I call it the Jo-Fro
First cousins having some deep conversation.

Me and my baby sissy

Proud papa.

My favorite brother

The eyes have it, don't you think?

Talking trash--a must whenever we're together in L.A.!

The old school bus crew from Parent School. We even said bad words for old times' sake.

Morningside High School Varsity Cheer--still the "it" girls. Ha.

Step away from the brother.

Hugs that know.

More first cousins

Mi madre y mi padre

Tounces' trip to The Gradys

Kitchen beautician with Gabby
Getting the scoop on 5th grade life. It's a whole saga, man.

Finished product--this time we went for a "curly look"

The middles rock (and care about how their hair looks.)

Niece Tyler and bff Colleen running from my camera

Epic FAIL. The Auntie-Razzi WINS.

BFFs are not immune to my wrath.

Colleen fights back!

Flowers from one of my residents--an unexpected surprise. Wow!

. . .and I LOVE flowers so much. Thanks--you know who you are.

Smart boys doing smart boy things

Isaiah wouldn't tell Zachary the answer to his question. "Think," he said.
Rain dance.

My life is a good life.  It is.

Happy Friday.

Now playing on my mental iPod. . . .one of my favorite songs of ALL TIME. It speaks to my soul and to my life like few songs can. . . .simply titled "Love." It's the reason why I can lift my head and my heart and appreciate little moments like these.


  1. Lovely to share sweetness with you and yours.
    Thank you.

  2. Hells yeah. I typed the bad word in honor of your old school bus crew-as my old school bus crew went hard with the bad words circa 1984.

    Maria, fellow Meharrian

    1. Ummm "hells" is a lot tamer than we were. Try sword that rhymes with luck a d that starts with an F. Hee hee.

  3. Great post, Sissy! But are you implying that non-middles don't care about their hair?!?!? LOL! Just messing with you! Cuz you KNOW Deanna was obsessed with her hair, and don't even get me started on the Jo-Fro! That monster takes a lot of work & TLC!

    Love you! And see you SOON!!!


  4. Great post, Sissy! But are you implying that non-middles don't care about their hair?!?!? LOL! Just messing with you! Cuz you KNOW Deanna was obsessed with her hair, and don't even get me started on the Jo-Fro! That monster takes a lot of work & TLC!

    Love you! And see you SOON!!!


  5. You know, what with all the serious stuff, the sorrow and the joyful, I don't think I've ever told you how gorgeous you are (as is your family!). That red dress? Wow. You? Wow.

    How about that? :)

    1. Elizabeth, you are too kind. What kind of yummy cakes are you baking for the holiday?

  6. I was wondering what kind of shoes you had on when we were on the phone. So loud! LOL

    Love you Big Girl!

  7. Happy to see you dancing in the rain and being surrounded by love. Be Blessed and Happy Holidays to you and your family!!!!!



"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan