Required Reading

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Feedburning me up!


My email subscribers have been emailing me to tell me that they are no longer receiving my new posts. I realized, as a subscriber to my own blog (lame, I know), that I haven't received an updated post since 11/25/2012. 

I've hit the settings and tried trouble shooting but to no avail. 

Here are my questions:

  1. Who has an answer to what's going on with Feedburner?
  2. Are any of you reading this still receiving my emails through the subscriber?
  3. Did you think I kicked you off of my list or that I wasn't posting? 

I only have one answer and it's to the last question. Of course, I didn't! I need you guys more than ever right now. I think that Feedburner is punishing me for redundant blog content. Maybe. 

What's also weird is that my traffic is up despite this. But that could all be JoLai and her very robust Facebook friend army. 

Holla at a sista if you've got answers!



  1. I just saw this in my Google reader; so for me, at least, the RSS is working fine.

  2. I am completely ignorant of Google Reader and everything it entails -- even on my own blog and google reader. I come here every time your blog pops up on my blogroll, and that's nearly every day, thank goodness, so I don't miss a post!

  3. I haven't gotten notifications and because of that tried to resubscribe but it wouldn't let me!!! I hope it fixes itself soon I miss my emails! I have still been reading but just remember to stop by every day! Luckily I love your blog so much it's an easy thing to remember!

  4. I haven't got updates in a few weeks, but I thought it was a system issue. Never the less, I still take the time to stop by and read your makes my day! Be Blessed.


  5. I have not gotten update emails in weeks but always stop by at lunch to see what's up.
    Love, Coach B

  6. Nope, I no longer get email notifications, but whenever I log onto my own blog, I can see your posts from my dashboard. Good luck.

  7. You're still popping up in Google Reader for me. :)

  8. I'm not getting the emails...but I just make it a point to stop by. Maybe I'll add you to my Google Reader too!

  9. I'm not a subscriber..yet...but I will own up to slightly stalking for the past few weeks. So yes JoLai is responsible in some part.

  10. I just re-subscribed in my google reader. (I'm one of the people who e-mailed). I will let you know what happens!

  11. I just re-subscribed in google reader. (I'm e-mailed you). I will let you know what happens!

  12. I am a subscriber from email and I also have not gotten the emails and tried to resubscribe but feedburner tells me I am still a subscriber

  13. I was wondering what had happened. Glad to know it was just a glitch.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan