Required Reading

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sugar Pie Honey Bunch.

Today in the elevator at Grady this elder got on with me. As soon as he saw me, his face erupted into a big, beige-toothed grin, he stomped his foot and cooed, "Awww, Sugar Pie Honey Bunch!"

And yes. I was the only other person on the elevator. So yes. He was talking to me.

Sugar Pie Honey Bunch? Wow.

I paused for a moment because it was kind of funny. Then I replied, "You know? That might be one of the best things I've heard all week."

And do you know what he said in response? Do you?

Well. He didn't say anything. Instead he just closed his eyes, started popping his fingers and swaying from side to side.

Which reminds me -- why is it that the older people get the louder they can snap their fingers? This is an observation Harry made one day while I was dancing in front of the television one night. He said I was "snapping all hard and loud like a old lady." Mmm hmmm.


So where was I? The Motown cat-daddy. Yeah, him. So dude starts getting his two-step on and hunching his arthritic shoulders to the beat. And do you know what he did next? Of course you do! He sang me some old school Four Tops--all the way to the ground floor. Sure did.

Kind of like this:

(I guess he just couldn't help himself.)

And can I just say that I loved every second of it? Because I did.

And this? This, sugar, is Grady.

Happy Wednesday.


  1. :o) You must've felt pretty special!

    1. How can you not smile at that? Hope you are well, friend.

  2. Replies
    1. And you know it was exactly as I described. He was grooving, do you hear me? GROOVING!

  3. A nice perk of the job you love.

  4. LOL!! Ol' Cat Daddy was getting his flirt on!

    1. You know? He wasn't even being fresh. It was just one of those Grady moments. More familiar than flirty. It's funny--I seem to bring that out of people. . .especially in the elevator here! LOL!

  5. This was a popular hit when I was a freshman in college. I had just returned from living in Africa, and told everyone it was written just for me since my nickname was/is Sugar. I guess that officially makes me an elder!

  6. That's what you get for walking around being such a beautiful person...inside AND out! :-) -Renee

  7. That is so awesomely sweet. Now the song will be in my head all night!

    1. Ha ha ha. . .it's been in my head, too. At least it's a good one, right?

  8. Aww that's pretty neat! I'm sure that just made you day.

  9. That is awesome! I guess the corollary is don't forget to serenade someone, someday, when the time comes. :)


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan