Required Reading

Friday, November 16, 2012

Oh, I'm thinking of you.

Tell me mama is it just the way they say?

And tell me mama are you missing me the way
that I'm missing you today?

Tell me mama can you hear me?

 Oh,I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be
And I'm trying now
. . .

 Oh, I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be
And I'm trying now . . . .


Dear Sissy,

I'm thinking of you and I'm trying this morning. Wearing my collection of pretty scarves that you crocheted with a sister's love. Feeling your presence and looking at your pictures and laughing and crying and trying. 

I love you forever and always.


Now playing on my mental iPod as I'm thinking of you. Thank you, Mr. Kravitz for ministering to me this morning.


  1. A scar will always remain in your heart where there is now a gaping hole. I'm sending love and prayers to you and your incredible family as you all strive to comprehend this horrible loss and make it through each day.

  2. Those scarves ! My word, they are beautiful. I am so glad that you can have a tangible way to wrap yourself in Deanna's love. Of course, her love will surround you and live through you.
    Thinking of and praying for you and your family.

    Maria, fellow Meharrian

  3. I admire the strength of you and your family!! Love you and I am praying for you!!!

  4. Can you feel her heart and her hands in those scarves?

    1. I so very can. I am so happy to have them and to know she made each one with her loving hands.

  5. Sending my love to ya! Skegee4Life!

  6. Our heart is heavy for you, my friend. We pray the Lord carry your family through in your time of bereavement. We love you.

  7. My sweet Soror Kimmi. My heart is broken. She was my Gurrl. I will miss her more tan anyone knows. I'm here for you.

    1. Winifred, she adored you. Simply adored you. As do I. Thank you for this.


  8. I have a shawl Deanna crocheted for me that I still wear and I love it and loved my Soror. She will truly be missed. Hugs and Prayers to all of you. Deanna was one of a kind.

  9. For those that say the Internet doesn't create relationships, I say "nay nay". I have never met you, yet as a faithful reader of your blog, I feel as if I know you and your family. May a peace that passes understanding be a current that holds your family and all those that loved Deanna up during this time of deep, deep loss.

    1. Dearest Jill,

      You all just don't know how much this community has helped me to stand up and be strong. I am so blessed to have these relationships and I, too, consider them real.

  10. Kimberly,
    Continue to try and cry. It's a process. We will miss her here, but our memories will keep us moving forward. My family is praying for you and your family.

    Love you!

    1. Beloved linesister, you know how much this means to me. Thank you -- I love you.

  11. As surreal as it is still for me - thinking of her, thinking of y'all - loving and praying for all of you!

  12. I wrapped my favorite green Deanna scarf around my neck before I went to bed last night. See you in the morning, Miz. I can't wait to wrap my arms around you.


  13. What wonderful mementos to have ((hug))

    1. MMMm mmm! ((hug right back)) with sound effects.

  14. What wonderful memories you have of your sister. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  15. I saw your post last night, and my heart spilled out to you. The loss of a sister is such a huge chunk of heart and soul, a similar blow to the body would surely result in major volume shock, if not complete exanguination. Accept all the hugs and means of comfort and direct pressure you possibly can.
    If i imagine all our prayers and well-wishes and love working like clotting factors and cotton balls on all of your broken hearts, it will be so right? I dunno. I'm hoping. There are legions of us thinking about you during this difficult time. Love to you and your family from this crybaby weirdo in Idaho (who you don't even know, but oh well).

    1. Oh you sweet crybaby weirdo--oh how I appreciate you so. Thank you so, so much. These words comforted me.

  16. Oh Kimberly, I'm so so sorry. Hugs to you and all your family.

  17. Kim,
    I am filled with sorrow for you and all of your family. My throat starts closing up at just the thought of what your sweet mother and beloved father and all of your dear ones are going through. Please know that I am carrying all of you in my heart and storming heaven with prayers for all of you. As you, my dear, know all too well, life is fragile...
    Love, Katie

    1. Coach B, you are amazing. Thank you for your love and constant support. Love you much.

  18. The scarves are a beautiful treasure. I imagine you'll be crying buckets for a while until you build up some scar tissue. Remember to hydrate and take care of yourself, ok?


  19. Love your tribute to Deanna. She was a beautiful spirit. You and your family are in my prayers Soror.

  20. I thought of you all day, too, and sent my wishes for ease and comfort as you mourn.

    1. Your well wishes are felt and are already working. Thank you, E.

  21. Kim,
    I know we have not talked in years, but my heart "aches" for you and your family upon hearing of the passing of Deanna. You know me, I have the "ugly cry" for you.
    I can empathize with the anguish you and your family are experiencing. Deanna will be missed but not forgotten! My prayers and love are with you and your family during this difficult time....

  22. I am keeping the Draper and Manning clan in my thoughts.

  23. I've come back to say that if you get a chance, if you think of it, please give your mother and your father my deepest and most heartfelt sympathies. In some way, I feel as if I know them and in the way that I have come to know them, I have feelings of love and respect for them.
    And now feelings of great sorrow for all of you.

    1. I will tell Tounces and Poopdeck exactly what you said. They already feel the love and, since they read here, know you,too. Thank you friend.

  24. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Words fail here. Sending my prayers for every member of your family.

  25. I came by to hear you talk at Grady yesterday Dr M, and when I heard the news I said a prayer for your family and you. The grief that resounded through the audience was genuine - a testament to how many people were there for you, care so deeply for you. I am so very sorry for your loss and you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Much love,

    ~ Tara

  26. Dr. Kim,
    There are no words. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I love the way you have surrounded yourself in the love of your sisters scarves. God bless you and your family.

  27. Just letting you know that your family and sister are continuously in thought and prayer.

    Maria, fellow Meharrian

  28. Kim I am thinking of you and your family and asking GOD to wrap HIS arms around you. I love you.


    1. Thank you, linesister. I love you and appreciate your love and support more than you'll ever know.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Dr. Kim: Although I never met you, I feel like I knew you because of Deanna, who was my classmate at Cumberland. She was wonderful and made every class better with her humour and insight. She was loved and will be missed. Your entire family will be in my prayers.

    Evelyn Maiben

  31. Kimberly,
    I did the same thing. I was out of town when I heard the news. The first thing I thought of was I wanted to wrap myself in the scarf Deanna crocheted for me. When I finally made it home, that was the first thing I did. I slept with it that night. She was just so special and she left so much for us to love and cherish and remember her. Her craftiness was one of the defining things about her, she could always come up with the best hand-made gifts. And I'm so glad I have my scarf to wrap myself in Deanna whenever I need a good laugh. I love you and am thinking about and praying for you all.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan