Required Reading

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Installment #1, Thanksgiving Edition: WILD OUT!


I asked you to "wild out" if you love Deanna -- or if you love somebody period -- and boy, did you deliver! Man!

You puckered, mean-mugged, crossed eyes, you tongue-wagged and even did some things that I can't quite figure out how to describe. You did this on the west coast, the east coast, in the deepest parts of the south and the coldest parts of the northern U.S.  Yes!

Man. You guys are silly.

And really y'all -- how can you not smile when you're receiving pictures like these and knowing the impetus behind them? How can you not grin from ear to ear when you're thinking about someone special and then just. . . WILDING OUT! (Yes "wilding" can be a verb, thank you very much.) It feels good to do that, doesn't it?

The best part is. . . Some of you who sent these photos, I know personally. But quite a few, I do not--which makes this even better and makes me even happier. Deanna would have loved this--the sheer ridiculousness of it all. Plus, she was always "wilding" out. So it's quite fitting.

I know y'all have been thinking of us today. And I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been tough, but seeing your faces has helped with us remembering to be more glad than sad. For real.

Okay. You ready?

One-two-three. . . .WILD OUT if you love Deanna and/or if you love somebody -- and especially if you're thankful!

My guess is that you and your silly faces are going to make my parents smile today, too.  And that? That's something to be thankful for--and something to wild out about!

Happy Thanksgiving. And thanks.


  1. Pic #5 would be me! I didn't realize how goofy I truly looked until right now. LOL. Only for Deanna. :)

  2. Dr. Manning,

    My sincerest condolences on Deanna's passing! I am praying for you all. I've said a prayer to St. Anthony that you find her Delta Pin. You should be finding it soon.

  3. Too good.

    (And I'm so sorry for your sister's passing. What a precious bond).


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan