Required Reading

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hey! Hey! Hey!

"You don't have no sense of humor -- and no sense neither!"

~ Fat Albert

Well. I officially stand corrected. Here I was thinking that me and the kids in my neighborhood were the only ones watching Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids in between Bugs Bunny and Soul Train.

Thanks to your comments -- and my focus group of at least five non-African American Grady doctors -- I now know for certain that Fat Albert and even Rudy with his soulful pimp walk were both being enjoyed by children of all cultures. Whaaaaat?

Mmm hmmm.

See? I was over here thinking that these were the only Cosby kids that crossed over to the mainstream.

My bad. I guess that cartoon was on CBS. And, yeah, once you got past all the crazy things they were wearing, there were some good take home messages. And one-liners. 

"Man! You just like a school in the summertime! NO CLASS!"

~ Rudy from the Cosby Kids

Hmmm. Now I'm wondering what the whole fascination was with Bill Cosby and the name "Rudy." Does anybody know this? Yes, people. These are the important things I concern myself with before leaving work for the day.


Hold up. Does this mean that y'all were also watching Soul Train and What's Happenin', too? Whaaaaat?

Happy Thursday.

And for people of all hues, I leave you with an excerpt from the Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! YAAAY-YUUUUUHHH!!!

A few awesome quotes for you to share with your kids for next year, 
including a lesson from Albert himself:

When they ring the doorbell. . .

"You know what we here for! 
Lay some treats on us!"

~ The Cosby Kids

And when they get home with their candy. . . .

"Hey, hey, hey! I don't care what you say! 
I ain't gon' eat nothin' but wrapped up goodies!"

~ Fat Albert


  1. Oh yeah, honey. EVERYONE loved Fat Albert and his friends.

  2. You're like a teacher in the summertime...

    No class!!!

    1. Awwww dang! Was it a teacher in the summertime? LOL. Question: Why do you even know that? ha ha ha

  3. You're just like the 4th of July...

    NO CLASS!!!

  4. Well the Fat Albert Movie wasn't that long ago with Kayla Pratt.

  5. Like I said before, whole lot more funny than H. R. Puff'n'Stuff. But I did notice in your Halloween picture that there was no smart cutie in braids to balance the boys out with.

    1. Whaaat? Little Ryan was the queen of hearts. She totally balanced us out and kept the boys in line!

  6. Yup. I totally watched Fat Albert. I didn't really get into the Cosby Show, but I think that was during a time in my life when I didn't own a television!

    1. See? You are always teaching me something. What is this no television time in your life? I'll be looking for you to explain that on your blog. ;)

  7. Yep, watched Fat Albert.....and even Soul Train:)

    1. That's what I'm talking about, Heather. I could tell you were a soul-sista from your comments. :)

  8. Soul train came on right after American Bandstand every Saturday. I watched both religiously. I LOVED What's Happening, too! Loved it when Rerun danced. Fred Berry was awesome!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan