Required Reading

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chance made us sisters, hearts made us friends.

Deanna LaShaun Draper
Sunrise 8/11/1968 ~ Sunset 11/15/2012

Auntie extraordinaire.
A+ daughter.
Crafty scarf crochet-er
Embarrassingly loud cheer-er at nephew and niece sports.
Hardworking Delta.
Kick ass teacher.
Rock Star tutor.
Amazing sister.
Selfless friend.

The last words we spoke to each other were in my doorway after a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs yesterday evening:

"I love you, sissy."

"I love you, too."

Yes. My big sister has left us. Just twenty months my senior. This wasn't supposed to happen. 

It was unexpected. She wasn't sick. 

But she was wonderful and loved. By so many people.

It's weird. I'm so, so sad. Yet somehow, I feel so, so grateful, too. Because we were all close. And as a family? We were good. Real, real good. And we still are.

Damn, I'll miss her. I already do.

Damn, damn, damn.

If you are a pray-er, please pray for us. 
If you're not, just think of us, okay?
Especially my parents 
and especially the kids.  

Okay? Thanks.

xo, Kimberly


Just wanted to add Poopdeck's comments from yesterday because I know y'all love him and my mama, too. I didn't want them to get missed. Thanks already for these thoughts and prayers. I feel them. I do. 'Preciate y'all.

xo, KM

From the sad sad deck of the poop,

The ole PoopDeck pappy is experiencing a pain that he has never felt before. This pain has gone deep into my chest and grabbed my heart and squeezed it nearly to the point of stopping it all together. Then it reached deep down into my soul and acted as if it would suffocate my soul. 

Twelve or so years ago a team of doctors cut into my chest, cracked my sternum and took my heart out to do some repairs. The pain the I suffered as I went through the mending and rehab process pales in comparison to this bad boy. On the pain scale, the heart thing was a nine. This bad boy is a 99. Each time I think that it's subsiding it comes back with a vengeance. I know it will finally get a little better because if it doesn't I won't be able to hang on. And I know that I won't live long enough for it to completely go away because it far, far too intense.  

What could cause the old PoopDeck to be in so much pain you might ask. Well, you see ... I lost my first born daughter today. Her given name was Deanna,but over the years she had more nicknames than one could imagine. I called her "Plinko" and she called me "Poppo." When she answered the phone or we saw each other, I would go "PLINKOOO" and she would reply "POPPOOO". I miss that so much already and it's only been a few hours.

Oops, there comes that pain again and it's worse than the last time. I gotta go cause I'm hurting too bad!!!!! 



  1. Oh, dear Kimberly. My hand is at my throat and then my heart for you and your beautiful family. I am so sorry. I will bow my head and send Love your way, prayers for all of you.

    1. Kimberly, your mother and I have been friends since we were 14 years old, your Grandfather sang in the Washington Chapel Choir with my mother for decades, your father was my favorite Que when I was Miss Omega, and your lovely sister was in my Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority...I feel like I have lost a member of my family, and my heart is broken into tiny pieces. May God bless and comfort you and your family. Janice (Jan) Crump

  2. I am so, so sad and sorry to read this on your blog today, Kimberly. Will definitely be thinking of you and your entire family as you find your way through this tragedy :(

  3. Kimberly, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! I will pray for your strength. May your fond memories comfort you today and always!

  4. You don't know me, but I love your blog. I am so so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers your way. <3

  5. Oh my dear, what a shock for your family. We had such a 'homecall' in our family many years ago and I have never forgotten the shock of the finality.

    Someone wrote to us at that time
    Instant death,
    Instant glory!
    I've thought of those words over the years and all that they mean--precious thoughts.

    May you ALL experience the "peace that passes all understanding" in the days to come. I will be praying for your family as well as your dear parents.

    May the God of all comfort envelope all of you and bring to each of you what you need to face the days ahead.


    1. I love this. Instant death, instant glory! Yes. I want you to know that these words comforted me.


  6. Kim, words can not express my heartfelt sympathies. I will be praying AND thinking of you and your loving family during this difficult time.

    1. You are a dear, dear friend. Neil, you have no idea how much I appreciate your friendship.

  7. Praying for your family's peace and comfort. Sending love, hugs, and peace, Soror.

  8. Dr. K, I am so so so sorry to hear this. I'm thinking of and praying for you and your family, and sending lots of love to all of you. Take care. <3 :-(

  9. What a terrible shock for you all. At least your last words to her were 'I love you.' What a comfort in retrospect. So many thoughts and prayers coming your way...

  10. My heart is with yours as you begin the journey of trying to reason out this impossibility.


    1. I got your message and I truly thank you. Thank you for your thoughts and words.

  11. Kimberly, I am SO sorry for your loss. Deanna was very affectionately loved as a fellow Soror of DST. I will continue to lift you all in prayer. My heart is so heavy. I am glad to hear you all are good.

  12. Deanna was all in on anything she did. I will miss her dearly. All of her crazy jokes, funny stories, and who can forget her abbreviations for folks. My emotions are so conflicted right now, because every time the tears flow I end them in a chuckle. Practically every memory I have of Deanna is comical. She was so funny.She was so fun. She was so Deanna. I think she is the only person I know who talked about her siblings more than I do. Deanna loved her family immensely, and it was apparent to anyone who knew her. My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with the Drapers at this time. She talked about y'all so much that I know each of you by name. Lord, I'm going to miss my soror. I love her. This hurts. Rest In Peace, dear friend. Thank you so much for sharing, Kim.

  13. Praying for you and your family Soror. Your sister was truly special. I love her for everything she did to make us Good women of our beloved sisterhood.

  14. Funny, I had a chance to personally talk to Deanna for the first time at this year's homecoming and we just recently became facebook friends and I got to meet her sweet spirit. Glad I did after all these years!!! Know that I and our church family will be praying for you and your family in your time of loss. May God's peace, grace, and love overwhelmingly shower you and your family.

    1. 'Preciate you, soror. I'm so glad you reached out.

  15. Here thinking of you and your family Kimberly..sending you all love, light and peace... Xxoo

  16. Praying for you & your family, Soror..

  17. Soror,

    I only e-knew Deanna from a Facebook group but she was funny and sharp as a tact. I pray for the continuous peace and comfort for you and your family.

  18. Praying for you and your family. So so sorry for your loss.

  19. Reeling. No way.
    Yes, yes, of course. I am thinking of your family. There are no words but I'll just say yes- holding you all in my heart. I am so very, deeply sorry for this incredible sorrow.

    1. Thank you, Sister Moon. You know how much I love my family. But you also know I know that love lives on.

  20. Sorry for your loss. I will pray for yall.

  21. Dr. Manning,

    I'm crying real tears for you and your family. I read your blog everyday and I feel like I know you all. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  22. You don't know me, but I love your blog. Sending prayers to you and your family.

  23. I am so sorry to read this, and will be praying for you and your family. It is hard, but I know that your faith will be a constant comforter and will carry you through. May God bless you and your family.

  24. Saw this post on my Soror Cherelle Scott's FB page. Don't know you but praying for peace and healing for you, your family and friends. From your post I can tell your sister was beautiful and so full of life....she may be gone, but her spirit remains. God bless!!

  25. KD,
    My heart aches for you. I don't have the words to even express how I feel. Deanna was such a sweet, sweet spirit. I think every time I saw her, she had huge smile on her face and you could tell that she was loved and happy. What a blessing. What a blessing that she knew she was loved! By you, your parents, your siblings, her nieces, nephews, grandmothers, sorors and friends. Praying for all you- for a peace that passes all understanding. Please hug your sweet boys, I know how much they adored their Auntie. Love you much,

    1. Thanks, Boo. I got your message and I appreciate you. Love you, girl.

  26. Soror, we feel this loss with you! Praying for peace, comfort, and healing for the entire Draper family. Deanna was so much to SO many and she will be missed. Sending love your way as a Soror and fellow EUSOM colleague. God bless you!!

  27. Kim, my family and I will keep your family in our prayers. I can't imagine your grief, but I do know that the Lord will comfort your family and bring you through this - Eric Snowden

  28. KimI'm so so sorry for the pain you're experiencing in losing Deanna. Deanna was a hoot!! So fun so full of life and laughs. Be thankful that God blessed you with such a wonderful sister.. She was also a great friend. So many great memories to hold on to. I will never forget Deanna and there is no like her. God bless you and the whole family. Keeping all of you in my prayers

  29. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. You are all in my prayers, especially, as you said, your parents and the children. May God's peace comfort all of you.


  30. I am praying for your family and deeply sorry for your loss. I know that God will give you the strength you need to get through this difficult time in your life. I will pray that He wraps His love around you even tighter than He already does!

  31. Dear Soror, we have never met and may never meet. I saw this post on another soror's facebook page and want to express my sympathy for you and your family. My prayer is 'God give you and your family comfort and strenght'.

  32. Dr. Manning,

    I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your sister. You and your family will be in my thoughts/prayers...may God bless and keep you!


  33. My prayers and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family during this sad sad time!! Blessings and peace to all of you!

  34. Dr. Manning
    My deepest and heartfelt sympathies to you and your family during this sad sad time. May God grant you all an abundance of peace, love and grace!

  35. Ashara McKee-WilliamsNovember 16, 2012 at 9:57 AM

    Big Sister Kim,

    I thought about you this morning.....All I can do is pray. There are no words and I can't begin to wrap my mind around loosing a sister. I am praying for comfort and peace for you and the entire family. I am relying on God's promise in the Bible that HE will continue to bring you comfort!

    Yours in Delta,

  36. I am so, so sorry and will be praying strength and comfort for your entire family. May God continue to richly bless you all.

  37. Soror, I am so sorry for your loss. I only e-knew Deanna but I was SO looking forward to meeting her in person. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

  38. Michelle Jones HarperNovember 16, 2012 at 10:10 AM

    Soror, I am so sorry for your loss. I only e-knew Deanna but I was looking forward to meeting her in person. My prayers are with you and your family.

  39. Praying for the loss of your Deanna and our beloved Soror. She was SO funny! She will definitely be missed.

  40. Dear Dr. Manning and Family,
    I, too, follow your Blog daily and feel your loss deeply. May ALL of God's promises comfort you in the days to come---until you are with Deanna again.
    With sympathy and prayers for each of you

  41. I am so sorry for your loss. My partner, Lynn Angus, worked with Ms. Draper and she was loved by all of the kids and staff at McNair Middle School. This news is a shock to everyone.

    1. Yes, Jennifer! I met you both at the Candlelight Vigil. I appreciate you leaving this message and thank Lynn for being so sweet to Deanna. She had kind things to say about you both.


  42. I am so sorry for your loss, Kimberly. Ms. Draper taught with my partner, Lynn Angus, and I know she was loved by all of the kids and staff at McNair Middle School. This is such a shock to everyone.

  43. Kim,
    I was so saddened to hear the news about Deanna. I will keep you and your family lifter up in prayer. I know you and your family already know this but keep it close to heart on the bad days, your sister was loved by many and she was a JOY TO BE AROUND! ~ Laticia

  44. This literally took my breath away. You and I have never met in person, but my heart aches for you. I will pray -yes, I will. Take care, Dear Heart.

    Maria, fellow Meharrian

  45. Soror,
    My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I met Deanna through a listserv and through our posts, we discovered that you and my sister are sands (Gamma Tau '92). I also had the priviledge of meeting her when she lived in DC, a few years before I moved to the DC area myself. I appreciate that she drove the beltway (a big feat in the DMV) to hang out with me and my friends. She loved and adored you; she always promoted your blog. She had a beautiful spirit, always willing to help anyone and I will certainly miss her. - Roslynn D Cargile

  46. One of the smartest and funniest Sorors I know. I used to tell her all of the time she should be on a game show. Could craft, crochet, quilt like no one else. Supremely loved her family talked about T-Tone and everyone endlessly. She will be missed. She epitomized everything good about DST.

  47. I just clicked on your page to ready your blog and saw this. I am so sorry for you and your family lost. Truly may the prayers and good thoughts for your family bring you all a measure of comfort. May the God of all comfort be with you all throughout every coming day.

  48. Oh, I am so so sorry..My heart is broken for all of your family. No, I do not personally know you, but I DO know you are a really special lady--You are all in my heart and I am sending prayers your way. God Bless you all.

  49. I met Deanna and JoLai together at Homecoming and Deanna was like it was you that ran into our parents :). She even snapped a pic of JoLai and I! Even during that brief encountering, I knew she had a sweet spirit.

    Kim, hold on to your memories and please know, my thoughts, prayers and love go out to you and your family!

    Blessings Always!
    La'Shara aka Kurlylicious

  50. Sharon Phillips ClarkNovember 16, 2012 at 11:02 AM

    Oh Kimberly.... I woke up to this sad, sad news and my heart is so very heavy right now. Deanna was always spirited and friendly towards me. Her presence will be missed. My prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.

    RIP Soror and friend Deanna...

    Sharon Phillips Clark

  51. Kimberly, my prayers are certainly with you and your loving family. Deanna was such an amazing and gifted person with an incredibly big heart and spirit. She was a true giver and loved her family,Delta Sigma Theta and Sorors,Tuskegee University, circle of friends, and community without boundaries. Deanna will be greatly missed by all of us. Paraphrasing one of your previous posts, please know that the love we all have for Deanna will remain as fresh as ever no matter how much time passes.

  52. Deanna was the first soror that introduced herself to me when I attended my first SM-LAC chapter meeting. I had known her though greek internet message boards for years, but we had not met until I moved to ATL and went to a sorority meeting. She remembered who I was just from things and stuff I used to say.

    She was my sister in crime when it came to being from Los Angeles, loving the Lakers, getting the "creamy crack" applied and being boy crazy! The void is already being felt from her passing.

    Thank you to the Drapers for being such a fun loving and inspirational family. Thank you for molding such a wonderful woman.

  53. Sending prayers to your family.

  54. Soror Kimberly I am praying for you and your family. I am still in shock. I've known Deanna for 15 years now and she was like a sister to me. When we met we joked about how we had the same middle name and from them on a sisterhood was born. I had a daughter 2 years ago 6 days before her birthday. My original due date was on her birthday. I can still hear her telling me "girl you know you should have had that baby on my birthday!" She crocheted one of the first gifts my daughter every received. I love her and will miss her terribly. My heart is breaking. ~Caprina Beal

  55. Hi Kim, I'm so sorry for your loss. We are sending prayers and hugs to your family. "A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life."
    by Isadora James. Deanna will be forever in your heart. Simone, Reggie and Niko Carson

  56. I faithfully read your blog for encouragement and your heart-felt stories. I am truly sorry for your loss. Sending condolences and prayers of healing and peace to you and your family.
    Teri P

  57. I am so sorry for your loss

  58. My friend, a Delta from California, just posted about Deanna this morning. I prayed for her and all of Deanna's loved ones and never knew that this was your sister.

    Sending you and your family an abundance of love and peace.

  59. I am so sorry. Please take care and God Bless!

  60. I am sorry for your loss. I have read your blog for quite sometime and feel like part of your family. keep the faith my friend.

  61. Kimberly I have remained in contact with Deanna, Jolai and Will over the years via Facebook. Through that medium with them I have seen how close all of have always remained. I still remember how close you all were during our junior high and high school years and it is fantastic that all of you maintained that level of closeness as you became adults. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time. The closeness you all have as a family will be your strength to help you through this very difficult time. Everyones hearts are with all of you.

  62. I'm so sorry for your loss! My heart and prayers are with you and your beautiful family. You don't know me but I read your blog everyday and you inspire me in more ways than one!

  63. Kim, I read you blog almost everyday and I knew that today would be very hard for you and your family, I am praying for you and the family and I will miss Deanna very much. You guys both tell very good stories! Love you Kenya Blue-Wigington

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I'm so very sorry to hear of Deanna's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with the Deanna's loved ones and many friends. Hate to hear this news of a fellow Monarch. Peace be with you all...

  66. Kim, I've only met you a couple times via Deanna, but, I feel like I know you, JoLai and Will (along with your parents) because of how much Deanna spoke about you all. She adored her family, and anyone who knew her, knew that. I pray that God wraps His arms around all of you to provide comfort and peace. And that you're able to find joy in all the awesome memories of her. Thanks to you all for sharing her with us.

  67. Kim I'm so sorry for your loss! I loved Deanna and have so many fond memories of her from our cheerleading days back at Morningside. My heart hurts too!

  68. My Heart goes out to you and your family and I will keep you in my prayers. I am so sorry for your loss!

  69. Sending love and prayers to you and your family. I'm remembering a recent post where Deanna was taking care of your beautiful boys. At the time I thought how lucky your boys are to have such a fun and loving aunt.

    This is beyond tragic. I am more sorry than words can convey. Peace to all of you.

  70. Dr. Manning,
    I am a faithful reader of your blog and am sorry to read of this news. I wish you and your family God's unending peace as you deal with and heal from this disastrous loss to your family.

  71. Through your blog I almost feel like I know your family, so I am so saddened to read this. I am and will continue to pray that you, your family, and especially your beautiful mom and dad will feel God's strong grace and presence as you're dealing with this. Just from reading about her on your blog I could sense what a giving person she was.

  72. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Keeping you all in my prayers.

  73. Such a sweet and heartfet expression to your big sis... I went through the loss of my big sister too just a few weeks ago.. My heart goes out to Mr & Mrs Draper, the siblings and all of the nieces and nephews.... RIP Deanna...

    Terrence Norwood

  74. I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking about you and your family.

  75. I thought you should know, a 12 year old boy said to me today through tears, "Ms. Draper told me I was a special young man and that I could be anything I want to be when I grow up. I'm gonna remember that forever." Many, many of us at McNair are praying for your family. ~Lynn Angus

  76. Deanna was a beautiful person with a beautiful spirit. Her legacy will live on through her family and friends.

    Joseph Brown Jr.

  77. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.... Kim there is nothing like the Sisterhood bond that you shared with Deanna... the fights,disagreements, the laughter, the memories & all the love that yall had can only come from your sister... So Kimmie if there are times when u wanna reminisce on some of the good time with her.. do just that.. whip out those photos (past & present) and put some videos on and just laugh & cry until your heart is content.. Because I know that what she would want us to do in her memory.. Everything I think bout all the trouble we got into in high school,all I can do is smh and say to myself.. Deanna was a nut & im going to miss her soo much.. May the grace of God and his comforting spirit be with the Mannings & Draper family during this time... I know God is cracking up off of Deanna's humor right now... God Bless & Love Yall - From Ardena Prosser (Deanna's classmate from Morningside High Class of 86.. A Sixer Girlz sisterhood,boi did we represent)

  78. I am praying for your family! May God Bless and keep you!!!

  79. Without Deanna law school would've just been a lesson about the law, and I would still be an ill informed southerner.

    Brian Miller

  80. :( Praying for your entire family right now. May God wrap each and every one of you in his arms.

  81. Deanna was a beautiful person, my prayers n condolences go out to the the family. R.I.P Monarch c/o 86

  82. Soror Kimberly -

    Deanna had a beautiful spirit and for that she will always be remembered. I saw on someone's post yesterday, when someone so young is called home too soon (to us) that's heaven smiling down on us. My heart goes out to you and your family. You are most definitely in my prayers. "Weeping my endure for a night, but joy truly does come in the morning." Keep praying...PRAYER WORKS!

    Soror Quisa

  83. To our Grady Doctor and her loving family, we will keep y'all in our prayers and remember what an AMAZING daughter, sister and auntie Deanna was. So sorry for your loss:(

  84. Oh, I am so so sorry. This makes my heart hurt for you and your family. The way you spoke of your sister I know she was well-loved by many. May God bless you and your family. I am praying for you all.

  85. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and the family Kim. Deanna will definately live on in the hearts and minds of the many people she touched over the year.

    Rameses Cox-Bey

  86. Oh Kim, my heart is so heavy at this news. What a shock and sorrow. Prayers are flying your way from Philadelphia, from a person who has never met you or your beloved sister but feels so sorry for you and for your parents. I know your children will come to understand this through you and your tremendous faith and the support of family and friends. God bless you.

  87. Oh Kim- I am so, so sorry to hear this. My heart is aching for your family. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know she is looking down on you, spreading her wings. Xoxo

  88. I am so sorry for your loss. My own sister's sudden illness this week made me drop everything at the hospital and drive from StL to Chicago. As I sit and watch and fight to get her back, I'm feeling that pain you described. Not nearly to the extent you have in actually losing yours sister, but I have a little bit of empathy. I don't have many strings left on this old (young) heart of mine after this week, but I'm reaching one out to Atlanta for you, my dear e-mentor.

    Siblingship It's tough. It's funny how as kids we fight our siblings ovr trivial things like the front seat and toys, but as adults, that dynamic becomes so much more involved, as we carry each other through this thing called life. Sometimes I wish I were an only child. Then those holidays roll around, or those nieces and nephews come over, or a picture/errant cellphone video brings those moments back. Those moments where we realize we owe so much of who we are as a person to our siblings, and how richer our lives are from our bio-BFFs. Rely on those moments to carry you through right now. Your dad was spot on. This pain won't go away, but you'll learn to live with it. We're praying for you and watching over you. Be at peace.

  89. Dr. Manning, saying a special prayer for your family. My condolences during this very tough time.

    - D

  90. Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to say thank you so much for all of the kind words and sentiments. They have been a real comfort. Truly.

    More than 5,000 people came to this blog which is a true testament to my sister. Wow! That lifted my spirits knowing that an entire army of people were already celebrating her homegoing. Thank you all for everything.


    Kimberly aka gradydoctor



  91. Kim, my deepest sympathies to you and your family. I believe what you said, that love lives on. I also believe that hugs help heal and keep you grounded.
    Sending you hugs across the miles.


  92. Kimberly,
    I am SO VERY Sorry for you and your family for this terrible loss. I will defintely keep you and all your family in our prayers.

    God bless you all. He WILL see you through this.

    Jacqui Archer Baker

  93. I am so sorry for your loss. May God comfort you and your family and ease your pain over time as you treasure your memories. I will be praying for you.

  94. So very sorry for your loss. This is such sad news. Keeping your whole family in prayers.

  95. Kim, my extreme sorrows to you, Jolai and the entire family. So so sad to hear this because you three were the epitome of "close sisters" not just because you are sisters but because you all liked to hang with each other as friends. That has been evident from way back in high school. My prayers have already gone up. "Reecie" MHS, c/o 90

  96. Soror I am praying for you and your family.

  97. My prayers go out to you and the family.....have comfort in knowing that your love is never ending.....condolences to you and your family....


  98. I am so very sorry for your loss. I just lost my 11-year old daughter on Oct. 24th - she wasn't sick, either. The very last words she said to me was, "You know, Mom, I really am a God Girl." I tell ya - God knew something when he blessed me with the gift of those awesome last words! Your last words with your sister are absolutely beautiful!! I'll be lifting you up in prayers.... because this stuff? No, I can't hardly wrap my head around it either.

  99. Kimberly your sister was so so special to me she will never be forgotten--Jacques

  100. So sorry for your loss. My Thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    Lauren J

  101. I have written what seems like 20 messages but can't seem to find the right words... I guess in a way there may not be the "right" words to make this journey easier. I can however say that you and your family are in my prayers! Your sister was a joy to know and a friend to everyone she met... especially if you went to Skegee or were a Delta!! Sooo full of personality...I'm sure she's in heaven demanding to crochet her own set of wings and adding a bit of crimson to the mix! She will be missed! We love you and want you to know we are... Pray-ers, and praying for you! Thank you for sharing.
    --Jasmine Ward-- 35GT05

  102. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. So very sorry for your loss. I lost my brother and only sibling 25 years ago, unexpectedly also, and sometimes it feels like only a short time ago. Thinking of you, and you all will be in my prayers.
    - Sharon M from Canada

  103. I come here to remind myself to pray for you and your family. From the comments here it is quite evident that your sister was an amazing person. God bless your family with peace and love. Stay strong in the Lord.

  104. Kimberly,
    Mere words cannot express my sadness at Deanna's passing. She was a great friend, the craftiest person I know (I wore the scarf she crocheted for me yesterday) and, most importantly, she loved and cherished her family. She bragged on you all, noting all of you and your siblings' successes, and she loved your children to distraction. She was that Auntie that everyone wants to have. We had plans to grow into Delta Dears and terrorize the young sorors, and I will miss her stories so much. I send my love to you all and will continue to pray for the extended Draper family. In this time of thanksgiving, I will also give thanks to have been blessed with a friend like Deanna, who defined friendship.
    Karen King

  105. May God Bless and Keep your family during this time. May He give you the peace and comfort that passes ALL understanding!

  106. Soror Kim,

    My linesister, Teshana, recently informed us of the terrible news. Please know that your family remains in the prayers of your 'Skegee & Gamma Tau family.

    Impervious 24
    Spr '96

  107. I read your blog everyday. I even went back and read every single post I missed. This hit me like a ton of bricks even though I don't know you or your sister. So very sorry about your sister.

  108. Dear Soror,

    Just want to say that I am sorry for your loss. Will continue to pray for you and your family. I met your sister just last year when we were practicing for the Step Show and she was so funny and nice. Your words this morning at the Chapter Meeting really touched and moved me. I too lost a sister when I was young and I miss her everyday. Take comfort in knowing that you have an Angel now in Heaven watching over you and your family.

    Courtney Hunter

  109. I am so sorry for your loss, and will keep you and all your family in my prayers.

  110. My condolences to you and your family on this terrible and sudden loss. I am praying for you all. I love that the last thing you said was that you loved each other. It's so important to say that all the time to each other. May God hold you all in the palm of His hand as you walk together through these days.

  111. You and your entire family are in my prayers. I have no words, just prayers for your comfort, strength, and faith during this difficult time. I read your blog faithfully, and the fact that you have an exceptional family is an understatement. I am so happy at the outpouring of love and support and because I have a sister myself, I know that you will need it in the weeks, months and years to come. I am so sorry for this huge loss.

  112. Soror Kim,

    I am so sorry for your loss..and it is a great one. I have known Deanna "virtually" since the early 2000s and though I never met her in person, I grew to love her spirit and her sense of humor. More than anything, she exemplified Delta through her words and actions. I simply cannot believe she is gone. My heart aches for you and your family. I will be praying for your comfort.

    Tiffany (HB-14-S94)

  113. Soror,
    This is was sad news to hear of Deanna's passing on. I met Deanna-fellow "Skegee alum, as we were Delta MIT Trainers, back in early 2000's. She has a strong and thoughtful mind, as she spoke the mission of our Sorority. One her phrases "That's history, move on". She held back nothing...a straight shooter, no chaser. And these characteristics....I loved about her. That is a strength that we all should have toward all that is good. She loved Delta and our principles...Christian principles...that's why God called her home, to be with him. We don't know when, we will be lucky to get that call, but we must be ready. And I think Deanna may say to us..."Y'all better be ready, stop this non....sense".
    My Soror, please know that you and your family are in my prayers,as we comfort each other and ourselves, missing our beloved Soror Deanna. May the peace of our Lord be with you. YID Princess

  114. I know I'm late on this, but much love and prayers going your way. So sorry for your familes loss.

  115. So NOT happy right now!!!! I'm just hearing the news of Deanna's passing today....literally!!!! Sorry for your loss and I pray that the Lord strengthen and keep you and yours comforted during these trying and hard days. Deanna was a TRUE of God's VERY best!!!! She will be and is TRULY missed!!!! Wow.... ;-(

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