Required Reading

Monday, October 29, 2012

Music Lyric Monday: Never Say Never.

Never Say Never

Never say never (never never never)

You see I never thought that I could walk through fire

I never thought that I could take a burn
I never had the strength to take it higher
Until I reached the point of no return

And there's just no turnin' back

When your heart's under attack
Gonna give everything I have
It's my destiny

I will never say never (I will fight)

I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never

I never thought that I could feel this power

I never thought that I could feel this free
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea

Cuz there's just no turnin' back

When your heart's under attack
Gonna give everything I have
Cuz this is my destiny

I will never say never (I will fight)

I will fight till forever (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up (up up up...)
And never say never

~ "Never Say Never" by Justin Bieber


Let's be clear: I do not really consider myself a Justin Bieber fan. But no, I'm also not one of those people who vehemently denounces him either. Me? Mostly, when it comes to him I say "meh." Justin Bieber is aiight.  As for Zachary Charles Manning a.k.a. "The King of Six?" That's a different thing.


Maybe I should clarify. Zachary Charles Manning isn't exactly a huge overall Bieber fan or anything. He's a one or two song kind of guy when it comes to most artists and that includes the Biebs. But -- let me tell you -- if someone could get my son a ticket to a concert where Justin Bieber stood on a stage and sang nothing but "Never Say Never" over and over and over and over again on a horrific loop (preferably the Kidz Bop version) -- my Zachary would be THERE, do you hear me? There.

And so. Since my baby boy had a birthday last week, I had no choice but to torture you with this song. He also recently recorded himself performing it on the MacBook photobooth -- which makes it just that much more music-lyric-Monday-worthy.

Uhh, yeah.

Can I just say something to you about my youngest child? That boy? He has enough swagger for every single person reading this blog. One day he wore a lavender shirt to school and someone said it was a "girl shirt." Then three other kids joined in to make matters worse. He was in pre-K at the time and do you know what he said in response? Here's what he said:

"That's a really DUMB thing to say. My daddy has light purple shirts and even a pink shirt. I'm a boy so it's a boy shirt. That's really dumb."

And with that, he turned and walked away. In his light purple shirt.

Boo-yow! In yo' face!

Was that swag or what?

I just love this little clip of him because it is so, so, so Zachary. Anyone who knows him can attest to this fact. Almost never worried about what someone will think or say. Dancing like nobody's watching and not caring that everyone is. In fact, I walked in on the end of this recording -- you can even see when he catches me looking -- but then he goes straight back to what he was doing. Such a strong self image and identity to be so young. There is so much I admire about that part of him . . . .and I pray that nothing ever takes that spirit away from him.

Especially me.

The minute you see this little video, you'll thank me for the real lyrics. Ha. By the way--you can't see the video if you are on a smart device since I loaded straight from iPhoto. Sorry about that. (Trust me, it's worth going to your computer for.)

This? If you don't know what "swagger" is, you will after watching this. Ha.

Yes, sir. That's my baby. The King of Six, kickin' it acapella.

Can I please tell you that this was video #1 of like five trillion? People. Don't teach your children how to use the MacBook or iMac photobooth. It's dangerous (but hilarious.)

Have an awesome week. May your swagger be on a hundred-thousand-trillion and may you never say never.

Happy Monday. 

And here's the real video to the song that will unfortunately be as in your head as it is in all of ours in this house. You're welcome.


  1. The only thing I like more than Justin Bieber is precious little kids singing Justin Bieber. LOVE IT!

  2. Loving the blue tongue.... and I think I know what swagger means now!!

  3. You son MAKES Justin Bieber!!!!!!

  4. HA!!! That's my Zachy!!! Auntie would be more than happy to take him to a Justin Bieber concert, because I'm a BELIEBER!!! Girl, this made my morning!

  5. I just love his strong sense of self. Of course it is a BOY shirt, because he is a BOY. Cannot argue with that. I knew my daughter was okay when I saw her with her pig tails flying and her face stuck out saying, "I am NOT stupid." to her 2 older brothers. I thought "OK fine she has them straightened out. " And it has continued to be so. Your Zachy will continue to be sure of himself. I just know it.

  6. Your child Zachary-he is amazing; as is his brother.

    Maria, fellow Meharrian

  7. Zachary walked straight up to me in the cafeteria at lunch, looked me in the eye, and said, "Coach Bashor, today is my birthday!". He knew that it was the most important thing I needed to know that day and, indeed, it was...
    Love, Coach B

  8. Zach was gettin' IN.THERE. The mean mug at the end? That's what I'm talmbout. Ha! Loved it! I'm going to show it to Aidan. He has a band, you know, and Zach may have just made it in.

    BTDubs - if you're in the area on Thursday, I'm taking Aid to see the great Biebs live and in color. I'm going to get my outfit today!! Er...I mean his outfit. *Ahem*


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan