Required Reading

Monday, October 22, 2012

Music Lyric Monday: Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)

Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)

Sister, you've been on my mind
Sister, we're two of a kind
So, sister, I'm keepin' my eye on you.

I betcha think I don't know nothin'

But singin' the blues, oh, sister,
Have I got news for you, I'm something,
I hope you think that you're something too

Scufflin', I been up that lonesome road

And I seen alot of suns going down
Oh, but trust me,
No-o low life's gonna run me around.

So let me tell you something Sister,

Remember your name, No twister
Gonna steal your stuff away, my sister,
We sho' ain't got a whole lot of time,
So-o-o  won't you shake your shimmy, sister,
'Cause honey the Shug is feelin' fine.

~ from The Color Purple

 "This song I'm 'bout to sang is called Miss Celie's Blues. '
Cause she scratched-ed out my head when I was ailin'. . . ."

~ Shug Avery in The Color Purple

I put my arm around a dear sisterfriend of mine this weekend and spoke words just as encouraging as these straight into her ear. She was flying on one wing and needed her chin chucked. And like Shug, I had my eye on her and saw that.

I've always loved this song and this scene from The Color Purple because it speaks of all that women need from other women. And sometimes, it just needs to be belted out with a little shake of the hips and the ta-tas.

Like Miss Celie, her face brightened and those heavy emotions started lifting up. And it was good.  Just like it has been the many, many times that my sisterfriends have done the same for me.

That's all I got.

Now playing. . . .


  1. One of my very favorite scenes from a movie in the entire world. How do you know me so well?

    1. Because I know how you feel about your sisterfriends. And your daughters. And because I've kept my eye on you, too.

  2. Oh, thank you! What a great scene from a fabulous movie (and book). I'm going directly to Netflix and putting it in my queue. I haven't seen this film since it came out at the movies!

  3. Who is the original singer of Sista?


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan