Required Reading

Monday, October 22, 2012

Black College Homecomings.

Let me just say that the historically black college experience is one that is very hard to put into words. Born out of times when going "wherever you choose" was not an option for African-American collegiates, even today many still return for that education weaved with rich history and camaraderie that stays with you long after you've graduated. I had that experience at Tuskegee University.

But not just me.

My grandparents went to Tuskegee. My parents met at Tuskegee.  All three of Tounces' sisters went there as did Poopdeck's brother, my uncle Woody. The four of us followed their footsteps and attended the same institution. So homecoming for us? Man. It's something else. And don't you know there are soooo many people I know with similar stories?

I just returned from homecoming weekend at Tuskegee University and Harry had a whirlwind doing the same up at Virginia State. While they are certainly different institutions, both are historically black colleges. This means we know what "homecoming" means to the other and when we both faceplanted in our bed last night. . . . there was no explanation needed.

I'm still getting my mind around how I'd like to tackle sharing the weekend's experience with you. I did want to share a few snaps before heading off to work. More than anything, I missed you guys and just wanted to say good morning. Good things await you. . . .I promise (even if they have nothing to do with medicine.) Hee hee.

Happy Monday.

This was my experience in college at our games. Those who attended black colleges know just how it felt to be in that crowd.


  1. We've missed you too but okay, you get a pass. Looks like a great weekend.

  2. Yes, yes, yes! Going to an HBCU was one of the smartest decisions I ever made. I think attending an HBCU is important - especially for those who grow up in a world where they are clearly the minority as was my case. I'd never seen so many black folks doing so many great things in my life - my heart gets full just thinking about it! I love HC and hate that we are not going to ours this year :(

    I went to school where many of my family members went and all three of my brothers followed me there - talk about awesome! I met my husband there, two of my brothers met their wives there and though we span a number of years, we love to sit around talking about "remember when" and "hey where is..." from our days on The Yard.

    Glad you had a great HC weekend - I'm sitting at my desk this morning still trying to recover from Jackson State's HC - and it's not even my undergrad alma mater ;)

  3. And a good - no GREAT - time was had by all! Can't wait to read about it!

  4. There's NOTHING in the world like the HBCU experience...especially at Homecoming and amongst sorors. OO-OOP!

  5. To get the HBCU "experience", I attended FAMU ( GO RATTLERS- Psssssss) for a semester one Fall and I had a blast! I also quickly realized that I would have been too busy having a good time to graduate, had I attended straight out of high school, lol!!!

    Tragically though, I can't brag about how the "marching 100" is the ONLY real marching band in the land!!

  6. Delurker here - I cannot agree more about the HBCU experience! Most of my family went to Virginia State, my parents met and fell in love at Howard, where my sister also went. I'm the only sane member, and went to Hampton, where I met my lifelong friends.

    The experience is unmatched, I am so excited for Homecoming this weekend!

  7. I went to University of Pennsylvania and , as you know -Meharry. Homecomings are the best ever ! Glad you had such a time that it resulted in face planting !

    Maria, fellow Meharrian


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan