Required Reading

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Belated Music Lyric Monday: Love Letters

Love Letters.
The sky may be starless
The night may be moonless
But deep in my heart
I know that you love me
You love me, because you told me so

Love letters straight from your heart

Keep us so near while we`re apart
I`m not alone in the night
When I can have all the love you write

I memorize every line

I kiss the name that you sign
And darling, then I read again
Right from the start
Love letters straight from your heart

I memorize every line

I kiss the name that you sign
And darling, then I read again
Right from the start
Love letters straight from your heart

~ As sung by both Nat "King" Cole and Ketty Lester


Beautiful lyrics as per Poopdeck's request. His birthday was a perfect excuse for a belated music lyric Monday post. Even if my FP said that Nat King Cole wasn't so cute, we could all agree that the man sure could sing. Hearing this song made me think of her, too. 

The version Poopdeck loves is the Ketty Lester version--I just added this to the post since he (and Tounces) let me know that hers was "THE" version. Ah hem. My bad. Nat's version was the one I found first and since it made me think of my FP I figured I'd keep it there, too.

I wasn't familiar with this song or the lyrics. Now it is playing on my mental iPod for sure. I love you, Poopdeck. You know I do, because I told you so and will continue to until I no longer have breath.

Hope your birthday was perfect.

xo, Dr. KD

1 comment:

  1. That also became Ketty Lester's signature song. It was very popular in the '60s when your Dad and I were "youngsters". Good memories!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan