Required Reading

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life in Pictures: Good Stuff.

Here are some images from the past few days of my life that make me happy.

Like to see 'em? Here they go!

Isaiah had just made his second goal in their soccer game on Sunday. He was running that field like a big boy and I couldn't help but feel a little choked up. Seems like yesterday that he was picking up autumn leaves on the opposite end of the field. While the game was in play.

Uhh yeah.

There was big boy plotting and discussion taking place on that field, too. Like plots on who to pass to and who on that other team seems a little like they might cheat. (Yes, I overheard that part.)

Most of all, he was having fun. And I was proud.


Mehndi and Maya.

I was working in clinic yesterday with Maya V., a resident that I adore. She had just attended a traditional Indian wedding and had the decorative mehndi designs on her hands and forearms to prove it. For those who are unfamiliar, mehndi painting wears off over a few days or so and is something celebratory and festive in Indian and other South Asian cultures.

What I like is that it opened up this rich discussion about culture. India is not a small place. So like all not-small places, being from from one part of India is almost a world apart from some other parts in terms of traditions. The mehndi painting is shared by many states, but Maya talked a lot to me about weddings and marriage and all sorts of things related to different Indian cultures.

I also like that her painted hands led her patients to learn a bit more about her, too. It's a beautiful thing when we let each other into our worlds.


This is Zachary after one of his last football games. His team remains undefeated after six games. They were in their huddle and he was feeling good.

Now. This look on his face would suggest otherwise wouldn't it? Let me tell you what had just happened.

Zachary had asked me if I would mind not yelling out his Mama-pet-name during his game or any other public place. That nickname is "Toogie-Woogie." Which I have shortened up to just "Toogie" or "Toog." I think it was originally "Shuga-Wuga" but since my mom is Shugsie, it evolved to something else.


Didn't I mention that the team is 6 - 0? I was excited y'all! So in the post-game huddle when the coach gave Zachary a shout out, I pumped my fist and yelled out, "Yaaaay, TOOGIE!"

Epic. Fail.

Fortunately, none of his friends caught on that I was talking about him.

Oh, and this:

Turns out that I was considered as one of Atlanta's  "Top 25 Influential African-American Physicians" this year. Who knew?

You can see that the red dress that I wore to the ball last March (the one that coincided with the anime cartoon convention) got a little re-wearing.

Kind of funny -- this function was at the same hotel as the one above. But don't think that didn't stop me from putting that same dress right back on.

Mmm hmmm. Sure did.

The BHE was hanging that tux, do you hear me? Chile please. You can't even get the full glory from this photo but let me just say that the man has broad shoulders made for tailored suits.

Mmm hmmm.

Now THIS man is not the BHE, at least not mine. He is Dr. Maupin and he was President of my medical school when I was but a wee little medical student. He was being honored with a lifetime achievement award. It was really cool to be there with him and for him to remember me as a former "pesky little medical student in student leadership."

I was the one who always set up meetings to ask "why come this, sir?" or "can we have money for that, sir?"

And look at me now. Ha!

I do admit that I was tempted to still ask him "why come this, sir?" or "can I have money for that, sir?"  What can I say? I'm still pretty pesky.

Here's some more:

I had concession stand duty for football last week after our game.

And the bars in the concession booth are perfect because it sort of feels like. .  um. . . jail.

(Whoops. Did I say that out loud?)

Especially when your family chucks you a deuce and leaves you there to take your lumps. Oh well. Every football family has to do their time. In our house that translated to me since I'm not one of the coaches standing out there getting bitten by mosquitoes all the time.


Oooohhhh. . . and what about this?

"Oreo Truffles" made for me with love by two dear medical students, Jenna M. and Katy A.


Talk about a party-in-yo-mouth. I was sure to snap this picture prior to inhaling the box. Which Harry, Isaiah, and I most certainly did. Isaiah even slapped me. And that was okay because these little balls of deliciousness were slap-yo-mama good.

What about Zachary? Oh. Zachary is not a sweets fan. Bizarre, yes. The kid just doesn't do too many sweets beyond frozen yogurt. He does like hard candy, but cakes, pies, truffles and such? Naaah. He doesn't do "rich."

Which reminds me of these images from last year when he turned five. He didn't want the cupcakes so we just sang to him with me holding a "five" candle lit in front of him. He blew it out and let the other kids have cupcakes.

Who does that?

But I digress.

And lastly, this:

My nephew, David, after my brother went with him to get his drivers' permit. This could quite possibly be one of my favorite pictures of all time. It just says so much. Doesn't my brother, Will, look so proud? And I promise you, it feels like yesterday that he and Poopdeck were sitting in that same position.

Little does poor David know that, just like his father, he will be toting his younger sisters hither and thither to Girl Scouts, drama, cheer practice, etcetera, etcetera  from the second he gets his official license until the day he moves far, far away. Bless his heart.

Shhh. Don't tell him, though. Heh heh.

This picture was taken on September 22. Exactly fourteen years to the day after David took his first steps, which I was there to witness -- back when I was just a pesky little medical resident.

Life is good.

Happy Tuesday, y'all.


  1. Riches. All the way around.
    And are you sure that picture of you and your husband wasn't taken at an awards night for 25 Most Beautiful Couples In Atlanta?
    Maybe that was the secondary purpose of the awards. Because y'all are gorgeous.
    Congratulations on that award. Just thought you'd slip that one in there, huh?

  2. I love your family, every one of you so beautiful in the best heart ways. and who knew you were one of Atlanta's most influential? well, i did.

    1. You have inspired me to take more pictures of the everyday moments. I am so glad that I do, too.

      Have I ever told you how much I enjoy going through your blog archives? My favorite is still "In the city, be home soon." Thanks for being an inspiration to me.


  3. Thank you for the morning smile. As one soccer mama to another, I love the big-boy moments that we capture in the little boys! Seems like my oldest was picking dandelions on the field not so long ago, then I caught one of those moments (he was in first grade or so) where he and a classmate were doing the big-boy backslapping thing after a goal, and now he's a big boy for real out there and I look at him and marvel at what he can do on a soccer field.

  4. I love the Soccer Mama tee!! Mine would need to say "Soccer/ Lacrosse/ Football/ Basketball/ Baseball/ BROKE Mama"... Lol!! (And no. I don't have five kids. Just one kid who plays TOO MANY SPORTS.) Have a beautiful Tuesday!

    OOOOHHHH and that red dress was EV-VUR-REE-THING. Wear that sucka whenever you get the chance!

    1. Alisa, I made and ordered that t-shirt on this website called I also have another one for football for Zachary's games. Maybe I just should have ordered one with all the stuff that you listed! Ha!

  5. Congrats Kim on being named, "Top 25 Influential African-American Physicians!" I can attest that you truly deserve such an honor. Hats off to you, proud of you. I am so glad none of Zach's friends knew who you were talking about on the football field! Hilarious! But I do understand there are somethings that only a mother can say or love names that is strictly for the house and family!

    Crystal/Front Inc.

  6. My goodness that red dress is ALL THAT. I loved it when I saw it the first time and I KNOW the BHE loves it or that man is blind. He does fill out a tux nicely also...though I have never seen a man look bad in a tux. Can't say the same for women in ball gowns. Congratulations on the honor.

  7. Sounds like a typo to me, Top 25 Black Physicians. What they meant was Top 25 Physicians, point, blank, period!

  8. Congrats on the award!!! You more than deserve it, and you and the BHE look amazing! I had to comment on Zachary's face. Man, he looks so cute and upset and grown-up all at the same time. Love it.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan