Required Reading

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pick-up line.

image credit

Words spoken to me by a Grady elder this week:

"Girrrrrrl, you betta be glad you ain't closer to MY age! Shooot. If I was jest a few years younger I'd be chasing you like a Monday after the weekend!"


It's good to know that I've still got it. 

And can I please say that there was more than "just a few" years between us?
And that his "old lady" was sitting RIGHT beside him?

Mmmm hmmm.

Sigh. I love this place.

Happy Thursday. First day of wards. . . and away we go!


  1. Oh how wonderful!! I love your Grady elder stories. They remind me of back when I volunteered at a major cancer center in Texas...many of the patients I visited with were older and real characters in the absolute best possible way. One of them was from Ohio, a member of a family that owned a pewter factory, and he gave me a pewter snowflake ornament as a keepsake. It goes at the top of my tree every year and I think of him and smile every time I see it!

  2. Amazing! I love it. And that picture is incredible, too. :)

    1. Ha ha ha! Monday after the weekend? How awesome was that?

  3. He he he - sometimes your Grady elders tie with the junior Mannings in terms of adorableness :)

    Happy Thursday!

    -- Tara

  4. Yes, you do still got it. Always and forever.

    1. Looks who's talking, pretty lady! Hugs to you.

  5. Was he rich? Hey, it worked for Anna Nicole!

  6. Hey Dr. Manning. I noticed you didn't post on Friday. Not like you. Hope everything is okay.

    1. How sweet of you, Lisa! I just picked up a ward service at Grady on Thursday so just getting my bearings straight with my patients. Stay tuned. . . it's a busy service so it's giving me lots to reflect upon! Hugs to you!

  7. Ummm...Mark, if he was rich, he'd either be going to Emory or Emory Mid-town...not likely Grady. I hear that Emory has suite rooms for their pampered clientele...not that I'd know.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan