Required Reading

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Keep it together in the family
They're a reminder of your history
Brothers and sisters they hold the key
To your heart and your soul
Don't forget that your family is gold

~ Madonna


I was doing some work in my office this afternoon. I got a little bored so pushed the photo-booth button and took this picture. The photo above was the result.

There's nothing fancy about this snapshot at all but I like it because I can see both my mother and my father in my face. If I look closer I can see my brother and my sisters, too.

That made me happy because I love them. I really, really do.

That's all.

Happy Thursday.

Now playing on my mental iPod. . . .


  1. it is a very fine face, a reflection of so much love.

    1. Love that you replied because your "face" posts always make me happy. Totally stole this idea from you, Sister Lister!

  2. Then that's good! So I'm happy for you!
    Lately, when I look in the mirror, I see my grandmother. That's nothing good about that.
    Your Friend, m.

    1. When you're as ridiculously good looking as you are, you're too busy singing the "I'm too sexy" song when you're looking in the mirror.

  3. Gorgeous face -- a kick-ass doctor face, too.

  4. The beauty of your family is reflected and magnified in your face.

    P.S. Sorry I have not had a chance to comment on all your wonderful recent posts.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan