Required Reading

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Camp Papa Postcard Classics: Trackin' and Packin'.

Dear Mama,

In the mornings, we go to get some exercise with Papa. Early. Did you know that a lot of granddaddies and grandmommies wake up early to exercise at the track, too? Papa said when your bones get old you have to get them moving so they won't get stuck on you.  That's why they all go to the track.

Isaiah asked Papa if when you get old you have to wear a fanny pack and pull your socks up high, too. Papa said when you get old you wear whatever you want to wear, including a fanny pack.

Mama? I don't think Isaiah is going to choose that when he gets old 'cause he said it's a little bit not that cool. 

But don't tell Papa he said that. OK, bye.


Zachary, Age 5 and a half.


  1. Don't tell Papa I said this but I'm sort of with Isaiah on the fanny pack thing. But then again, I'm a woman and can carry a purse. Maybe y'all should get your dad a Man Bag. Nah. He probably loves his fanny pack.

    1. I keep telling him that in England a fanny means. . . .cough. . .uh. . yeah.

  2. Oh, my gosh -- that's hilarious. Your dad is an awesome man.

  3. I love this. Papa can absolutely wear whatever he wants.

    1. You must have been talking to him! He makes it clear that granddaddies can wear whatever the hell they so choose. This is not limited to fanny packs. Ha ha ha ha!

  4. Anonymous . . . I received your thoughtful note. Letting that marinate and will see what comes to mind, okay?

  5. I love Papa and Camp Papa and I want to go for a day myself - with Owen. I think the need a little female energy in there some time.

  6. I love these little reports for many reasons, perhaps the biggest among them is the joy and added confidence I anticipate they will bring to Zachary and Isaiah as they grow older.

  7. Dear Dr. Manning,

    This one is just a private little note (I didn't want to clutter your inbox). I saw this and felt a wave of "happy" come over me (because I immediately thought of you!)

    Yay for Dr. Lisa B.!



"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan