Required Reading

Monday, July 2, 2012

Camp Papa Postcard Classics: The proof is in the Skyping.

Dear Mama,

I TOLD you I could read for real by myself. Big kid books, not just the little books with little words like "if" and "it." I can read big words, too. Like "Constantinople" and "Timbuktu." 

(That last part is from Dr. Seuss. He's pretty good.)


Zachary, Age 5 (and a half.)

P.S. I want to download some stuff to read on the iPad.


  1. I've been waiting for the Camp Papa reports. This is a good one. Does Papa take other boys? Owen really needs to be potty trained.

  2. Skype is wonderful! He read to me, too, and he was SO proud of himself. Brought joy to my heart.

  3. Congratulations to your little man!
    Reading, for my one twin, is just starting to happen. I plan to write about it next week. So yes, reading is a BIG deal!

  4. From the Deck of the Poop,
    Just imagine being here with them and seeing the pride on their little faces when I say "Great Job" and give them a fist bump. I have only six days before I have to give them back. Smile



"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan