Today my day was long. I stuffed too much into it, and that made me feel like I was doing most things mediocre at best. I felt like my teaching was rushed. Too harried, too hurried. One sick patient derailed our rounds. It all went berserk and we were just fighting to keep our sick-sick patient alive. Fortunately, my resident is awesome. She did most of that work, but still. It was a lot to be hit with first thing in the morning.
Then. Grady to the med school and back to Grady. Gave the patients good time and attention, but felt like my learners got the shorter end of the stick. Too harried, too hurried.
Yeah. It was one of those days.
Then. Back to Emory. Again. This time for a program to honor our chief residents. Who truly deserve honoring, so I made it my business to be there.
Finally, after all of the crazy of my day, I head out to my car and it's dark outside and everything. No, I didn't see Venus going in front of the sun or any such thing. Nope, I didn't see none of that, but I did see something stuck on the window of my car.
A ticket? In the parking garage?
But it wasn't a ticket. No, not at all. Instead, it was this:
A post-it note. Stuck on the window of the driver side of my car.
And no. I don't have the slightest idea who wrote this and probably never will. But I do know that whoever did must have had some kind of sixth sense to know how much I needed that today.
Whoever you are? Thanks for that chuck under my chin. I needed it. Especially today.
So yeah. That was my day. My harried and hurried day full of crazy. Which, in the end, turned out to be. . . . awesome.
That is all.
Happy Tuesday.
Rachel's Birthday And A Stubborn Man
2 hours ago
One bad day's not the end of the world. And your students know it!
It's nice to hear that they do sometimes, Mark. It really is. Hope you, Fred and the crew are not drowning in the big move!
DeleteI call them love notes. As a substitute teacher, I frequently get them from students - usually girls - full of hearts and flowers. I cherish each and every one of them. Isn't it nice to be appreciated? And you so are!
ReplyDeleteFlowers for the living are the best kind, right Tounces? xo, K.
DeleteA well-placed word, a tiny note of encouragement, a compliment- these are things we can give easily and yet, so often let a moment pass and we don't. And yet, the difference that such a small thing can make! A reminder to all of us.
ReplyDeleteI am so going to pay that gesture forward today. To someone, somewhere.
Deletei wish my son would do medicine just so that he might have a teacher like you. i can tell you are truly gifted. and you care.
ReplyDeletemy niece is applying to meharry dental school this week! i told her i know an amazing leader of a doctor who went there! i told her all about you.
may today be everything you wish. love.
Oh that son of yours would have too many people in the hospital swooning. Ha ha ha. Thanks for the love as always, Sister Lister.
DeleteOne evening after a long day at work, I walked out to my car in the structure... and there was a business card stuck in the driver's side window. If was my BMFF's card... and on it he wrote: "Who loves you like I do???" I tucked it in my visor & I see it every time I get I the car. That was years ago, and it still makes me smile every time I see it.
ReplyDeleteI saved that post it note, too. I think I'll put it somewhere in my office as a reminder on bad days. Love you!
DeleteSometimes blogger eats my comments (I get an error message and I just cannot summon enough will to rewrite), or I get pulled away and never finish writing/posting a comment, or I feel so tired or emotionally spent that I cannot put thoughts and feelings into words, or you simply leave me speechless (in a very good way). However, I want you to know that I visit your blog every day and I want to tell you that "You are awesome!!!!" every day.
ReplyDeleteI will try to be better about commenting. In the meantime, please know that you are cherished and appreciated far beyond Atlanta.
Anush, your comments--whenever they come--are perfect. No need to do anything more than you already do. I deeply appreciate your generosity with your kind words and doubt I could even handle anything sweeter than you already give. :)
DeleteHope school is well. You, too, are cherished my dear.
I want to do this for someone now - what a thoughtful student.
ReplyDeleteI know, right?
DeleteSometimes the smallest, simplest kindness is the best. My (future) daughter-in-law is currently taking pre-med classes and hoping to go to medical school and facing huge challenges. I think she's up for the challenges though. I too, wish she could have a teacher like you, Dr. M. I so want her to be able to make her dreams come true.
ReplyDeleteMy best to you and your family,
Jae in Clayton, NC
I imagine that with someone supporting her like you, she will soar. I appreciate you, Jae.
DeleteI can honestly say - hopefully without appearing to "toot my own horn" - that I always feel very appreciated and deeply loved, both by my grown sons and by my future daughters-in-law. I am truly blessed. Thank you, Dr. M.