Required Reading

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father of my children.

Here's the thing. The only the thing that could make me love this man more than I already do is watching him father our sons. Because this man? This man is a kick ass father.

Kick. Ass.

What does that mean?  It means that he participates fully and willingly in their lives. That means everything from giving baths and clipping fingernails to building Legos and coaching teams. It means teaching them to ride bikes and answering their questions and not watching what he wants to watch on television because they're in the room and just maybe whatever it is he wants to watch isn't for their eyes. No one has to coax him or guilt him into being in the mix. And he doesn't care what anyone has to say when it comes to putting his family first. Harry sets standards for them to live up to and works himself harder than any person I know because--to quote him-- "They deserve to have a legacy."


He loves me right in front of them every single day. With meaning. With authenticity. With intention. And me? I'm all about that. Loving with meaning, authenticity and intention no matter who you are or who you love. Or where you are.

You know? Loving like you mean it and making the necessary sacrifices to be who you promised to be sends a mighty message to children. Mightier than anything you can buy or say.

And the B.H.E. does all of those things. Not perfectly. But with perfect imperfection.

Yes. I know that having this is no guaranteed thing. I do. So I'm so, so grateful.

So very.

That's all I got. That and some well-wishes to any other fathers that might be reading this.

Oh, and one more thing. . . Harry? I hope you know--they already have a living legacy in you.

Happy Father's Day.


  1. Happy Father's day to Harry! Isaiah and Zachary are truly blessed to have living legacies in both of you!!

  2. Every time I read about one of these good fathers, I cry.
    So. Yes. Again.

  3. isn't this just the most beautiful thing? i once heard someone say the best thing a man can do for his children is love their mother. your BHE does that and so much more (and, um, looks darn fine doing it!). so happy for you.

  4. When my brother was here for THE WEDDING, we had a late-night conversation and he told me that he felt the most important decision you make in life is who your partner will be. Not decisions about career or religion or where you will live or if you will have children, but, rather, who is by your side through all of those other decisions. That is the choice that will influence all the others. You are blessed to have chosen well...
    Love, Coach B


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan