Required Reading

Monday, June 18, 2012

Camp PaPa Postcard Classics: Ah hah moment.

Dear Mama,

I just figured something out. If I look up at my PaPa with my eyes really, really big then he will give me 'zactly what I want. Like some cookies for breakfast. Or some Skittles before dinner. One time he let me put whip cream in my mouth just 'cause. 

It's going to be a great summer.


Zachary, Age 20 months

P.S. I am telling you in case you want something from him later.



  1. You know, I consider myself to be a decent grandmother but your daddy has taken grandparenting to a new level with Camp PaPa. Four weeks? Does he have help? Not that your boys aren't perfectly behaved at all times! But...
    Anyway, I just have the greatest respect for him and the influence he is going to have on your sons is going to last for their entire lives and it's an immeasurable blessing.

    1. You are more than "decent" Mer-Mer. I have *seen* you in that role and know for certain that you are every drop as selfless as Papa and Grandma Shugsie.

      Help? Nope. It's him and those boys against the world. My sister is there and she occasionally relieves him. And occasionally isn't because she doesn't want to but because he doesn't want her to. He is just a rare breed that has an unusual amount of patience with those boys. And yes, it is an immeasurable blessing.

  2. That kid's on to something!

    1. P.S. Happy belated Father's day to You and Fred!!!! Hope the day was spectacular. . . waiting for you to post something soon. .. .

  3. I HAD to come back and get the answer to that question.
    Yeah. He's a saint. And his heart must be as big as all of California.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan