Required Reading

Monday, June 18, 2012

Camp PaPa Classics: Pre-emptive striking.


Dear Mommy,

I was asking my PaPa what do you do to make sure that when you get old you don't lose your hair and be bald? 

He said to ask you.


Isaiah, Age 6

P.S. I think I don't want to be bald, okay? So find out from another doctor if you don't know. Okay, bye.



  1. This KILLS me it is so cute!

  2. Take it seriously...Pattern baldness is a feminine concern too. Isaiah is so wise.

  3. I LOVE these pics of grand kids and grandparents!!!

  4. Poor kid. I don't think he has a chance. He is going to be bald when he is 65.

  5. So funny!!! I looked this up when I was pregnant with my first son. It's the maternal father that determines it, right Doc?

  6. So funny!!! I was worried so I looked this up when I was pregnant with my first son. It's the maternal father that determines it, right Doc?


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan