Required Reading

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Alter ego.

While signing electronic medical records on my couch:

Me: "Zachary! What are you doing up?"

Him:  "I'm not Zachary."

Me:  "You're not?"

Him:  "No!"

Me:  "Who are you then?"

Him:  "I'm a scuuuuuurvy pirate!"

Me:  "Uuuhhh, okay. Well go to bed, scurvy pirate."

Him:  "Arrrrgggghhhh!!!"

That's what's going on over here. What's going on with y'all?


  1. I'm happy to say that I've lost 16 pounds or so (much needed loss for my health) in about two months by following the advice of my doctor. He asked me to cut back on the carbs and sugar. My routine blood work numbers came back a little higher this time than the last time I had blood work done. I promised him I'd do everything I can to get those numbers down. I don't want to end up diabetic or on cholesterol medication if I can help it.

    I've also begun the process to quit those damned (please excuse my language - I know this is a family friendly blog but that's the best word I can think of for them) cigarettes. Right now I'm using an e-cigarette, which is know does have some risks but (at least according to my doctor) is the lesser of two evils. I plan to use the step down program to keep cutting back on the nicotine until I'm using none.

    I feel great this morning, in spite of a lack of sleep. It's going to be a fabulous day! I hope it is for you too, Dr. M.- and for all of your family, patients and readers! AND for your scurvy pirate! *grins*

    Jae in Clayton, NC

    1. You quit smoking? YAY!! Congratulations on doing something SUPER awesome for yourself and your loved ones!!

  2. From the deck of the Poop,
    Your uncle Chief spent four years in the Navy and he loved to play dominoes. One of his favorite things to say, when an opponent made a bg count on him was "you lowdown scurvy dog". I asked him one day what was a scurvy dog? He replied, " hell, I don' know but it sure a anything nice". Whenever I hear the word "scurvy" I think about my big brother.
    Thanks for the memories. Smile


    1. Oh man. I loved that man so much. I love that Isaiah was born on his birthday. I think a piece of him is inside of Isaiah, don't you? He was such a great guy. . . so gentle and kind.

  3. Oh, too cute. Made me smile and remember when my daughter was in kindergarten, she forgot to get off the bus at her stop, and we had to call the school and they brought her back. I asked her, Em, what happened? She said I'm not Emily, my name is Fred Jones. On the phone to her grandma that afternoon, she said the same thing, in a funny pretend man voice, Em's not here, this is Fred Jones. No way was she going to acknowlege or talk about what happened. I have no idea where that came from, but I admired her creativity dealing with an embarrassing and scary situation. Thanks for rattling that funny memory loose with your scurvy pirate! It just blows all our parenting cred when they make us laugh, doesn't it?

    Me, I'm 4 days post op, robotic hysterectomy and bladder repair, trying to learn how to do a bunch of nothing, take it easy and be taken care of. It's hard work. I'm also trying to master the mind game of getting on top of pain and worry, to find the fine line that is just enough medication to manage the pain without feeling drugged out. How does anyone get addicted to vicodin, it wouldn't be my first choice, I prefer a wine buzz any day.

    Anyway, that's what's new with me. Thanks for helping keep me entertained while I'm working on chilling out!

    1. I like me a wine buzz, too. I'm glad the procedure went well, Mel. Thinking of you as you recover.

  4. Hanging out with the family after a fun (and long) day of swimming. About to watch the playoff game while working on my website. Tired, but relaxed and happy. Zachary is growing by leaps and bounds!!

    1. Yay swimming! And yes, Mommy's baby is getting big. Sigh.

  5. Nice try Zachary! Sitting at Wendy's just finishing a half size Berry Almond Chicken Salad (not bad really) and trying not to think about having to find a new cardiologist.

    1. Mmmm . . .sounds delish, Lisa! I am certain that your old and new cardiologist would approve of that choice.

  6. Oh, similar boy related stuff. Lots of it, I guess, and it's sort of wearing me out. One more week of school, and then we're free!

    1. Oh dang! Forgot that y'all get out so late. Guess I should know since I grew up out there. Hope all of you have wonderful mermaid and merman adventures planned for the summer!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan