Required Reading

Monday, May 14, 2012


Write it down. Get it out. Out of your head and onto some paper. Or onto a keyboard and then into a computer.  Or something or somewhere. Just out. Out. Whatever it is. However it seems. Good. Bad. Random. Joyful. Painful. Process it. Explore it. Excavate it. Deconstruct it. Reconstruct it. Get it. Learn it. Honor it. Feel it. Master it. Hold it. Release it. Celebrate it. Love it. Forgive it. Be it. Live it.

Or do none of those things.

But whatever you do. Just write.

Happy early rainy Monday.


  1. Why do I think that you wrote this for me?

  2. Mom -- Actually I wrote that for me. But if you felt convicted when you read it that just means it was for you, too.

  3. That is a beautiful picture. guess we don't have to worry about a drought after all this rain.

    1. Thanks, Kristin. The rain has come and gone -- yay!

  4. I love this. And that mantra it really does help me in real ways. It's why I've fallen in love with blogging.

    1. Hey there, little sis! Just figured out that you were related to Cathy! Yay! Thank you of reading. :)

  5. Amen to this. I just recently discovered your blog and finally finished reading all your archives and I wanted to thank you for being such a prolific writer and an inspiring physician/role-model to those of us who have only gotten to know you through your words.

    1. Welcome, S! Whoa. . .that's a whole lot of reading if you went through those things. Thank you so much!

  6. I hope you write book-fuls of blogs and real books and that I get to read about you and your incredible life forever.

  7. I forgot to say I like your pink Paul Frank pants...

  8. Replies
    1. I know you do, Mark! This is why I adore your blog so much!

  9. Dear Gradydoc,
    I found my way here from Miss Moon and was lurking for a bit, the way new people do, but read this and thought I'd stop to say I have a very similar Mantra: Put your hand out, write it down, tell the truth. Or at least in my head it felt similar.

    1. Any friend of Sister Moon's is a friend of mine. I think a lot of us have versions of this mantra in our heads. It doesn't surprise me that this made you think of yours which I like very much by the way!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan