Required Reading

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I could laugh out loud.

"What a day 
Fortune smiled and came my way 
Bringing love I never thought I'd see 
I'm so lucky to be me 

What a night 
Suddenly you came in sight 
Looking just the way I'd hoped you be 
I'm so lucky to be me 

I am simply thunderstruck 
With this change in my luck 
Knew at once I wanted you 
Never thought you'd want me too 

I'm so proud 
You chose me from all the crowd 
There's no other girl I'd rather be 

I could laugh out loud 
I'm so lucky to be me."

~ lyrics by Leonard Bernstein

Eight years after we jumped the broom
and I still feel like the luckiest girl in the room.

Team Manning. That's us, man.

I really could laugh out loud. Because any life with you is good.
Man. I'm so lucky--and blessed--to be me. 

Happy Anniversary, Mr. Manning.
Or as Isaiah says, "This is the day our family was born."

Indeed it is.


Now playing on my mental iPod. . .today and every day with you. 

and this, too. . .because love  with the BHE does that to you. 
And Jill Scott always speaks to my soul so this is my 2012 anthem! I'm so blessed--yes, yes!


  1. Happy Anniversary! You are a cute couple. Add that to the list of perfection that you are. You bless us with your blessed being. Congrats! Joanne

  2. Wow. You are such a beautiful couple and family. Happy Anniversary, and may there be many, many more!

  3. Happy Anniversary to one of the most beautiful, radiant couples I've ever seen. Your family is amazing - so much love!

  4. Have a romantic and beautiful anniversary, Mrs. and Mr. Manning!

  5. I had sorta prepared myself, but I still got teary-eyed anyway. LOL.

    This day always makes me think about the day I found out you were dating Harry & he was actually your "boyfriend". When I asked you, "Who is this Harry person I'm hearing about???" You said (very dramatically, I might add), "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to jinx it!!!" LOL!!! Well, my beautiful sister, there was no stopping this union! I am so happy that Harry is a part of our family and that Team Manning was born 8 years ago.

    Happy Anniversary to you & to the B-BIL-E :)


  6. Happy Anniversary, Team Manning!

  7. Blessings on the ”day your family was born.” That is the best statement! Love it! Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your day!

  8. Happy Anniversary!! It's heartwarming that your son calls May 1st, the day your family was born. Thanks for sharing.

  9. "Cute" was the wrong word -- you and your husband and your sons -- you are all beautiful people. I erred. Joanne

  10. Hey everyone! Thanks for the well wishes!!! And Anonymous-Joanne, you never err, my dear! We will take "cute couple" without batting a lash! :)

    Yay to the day our family was born. I asked Isaiah if he remembered saying that when he was four years old and he said, "Yes, Mom. I have a good brain for remembering, remember?"

    Oh yeah. . .

  11. I freaking LOVE it that you actually yes, did jump the broom. That just warms my heart. In every way.
    I should have done that. Sure would have been appropriate, seeing as how the broom is my favorite house-keeping tool and I find something almost spiritual in sweeping our house with it.
    Congratulations, Team Manning. Y'all are beautiful.

  12. That dress was hip hugging, wasn't it, lol???

    Beautiful pics and happy anniversary!!!!

  13. Team Manning,

    Happy Anniversary & Blessings for many more!

  14. Yay for LOVE!!!! Y'all give me hope! Happy Anniversary!

    Maria, fellow Meharrian

  15. I read this on my Kindle last night and I've got to stop reading on my Kindle because then I type out long heartfelt comments...that disappear.

    this just touches my heart. such a beautiful couple, such a beautiful family, such radiance, such love.

    Happy anniversary, dear Kimberly. You got married two days before my birthday, which makes this week feel even more special to me. Your family was born the same week I was. How humbled I feel. I am so glad you are in this world, the two of you, raising those wonderful boys. Love.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan