Required Reading

Thursday, April 5, 2012

(Spring) Break Out.


Don't stop to ask
now you've found a break to make it last
You've got to find a way
Say what you want to say

Some people stop at nothing
if you're searching for something
Lay down the law
shout out for more
breakout and shout
day in and day out - breakout
breakout !

~ from Swing Out Sister's "Breakout"

Monday:  Late night flight out to San Diego for the Society of Hospital Medicine Meeting.
Tuesday:  Gave two talks at the SHM meeting. Well, one was a workshop, but you get the picture.
Tuesday afternoon: Almost moved to tears by kind comments posted on this blog. (Thank you so much.)
Tuesday night:  Red eye out of San Diego.
Wednesday morning: Back to ATL.
Wednesday lunchtime: In the car with Team Manning headed to the beach.
And now:  Good times with family--cousins, brother, sister-in-law extraordinaire, good friends and the ocean. 

A whirlwind of a breakout, yes. But worth it. So very.

Happy Spring Break, y'all.

Now playing on my mental iPod. . . . .

Breakout/Swing Out Sister by gaimon5656


  1. I've been waiting for this post! I sooooo wish I had my toes in the white sand next to you right now!

    I love the beach house. Take a walk down the coast with Harry. It's beautiful.

    Have a BLAST!

    Bumble Bee

  2. makes me long for the beach! Nice that you and your brother could spend the time together. Thanks for "hanging out all the laundry"

  3. Ever since your post about your mom's birthday wish and the distance between you and your brother, I have been periodically sending my wishful thoughts for you to find your former closeness and for your bond to grow (on my visits to your porch).

    As a mom, I can think of few things more distressing than my children drifting apart. My heart is warmed by these pictures, especially for that lovely lady who is your mother.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan