Required Reading

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Full Circle: Intern Year Check In.

Okay. I am having a bit of writer's block-ito. So here's a lovely check in from my class of 2011 student advisees who are all hard at work in their internships. (Antoinette is missing from this post--she is graduating this year and starts internship next year! Stay tuned for match day -- coming up this week!!)

And away we go. . . .

Sweet Alanna hard at work in San Francisco. That smile on her face? It's because she's doing something she's been waiting a long time to do.

Well. Talk about full circle. Dougie happens to be an intern on my team this month and let me tell you. . .it's an interesting experience. I liken it to having your own son. . or rather nephew. . .on your team for a month. Weird. . .but in a good way.

Man. Remember when I went to his wedding and cried like a baby? Man. Seems like yesterday.

See, I've known Doug since his very first day of medical school. I mean from the very, very first day. Hell, I've known all of them since then. But this month I'm literally his attending. And he is my intern. So this is kind of crazy for me to see.

Crazy, yes.

But also? Majorly pride-inducing. He is a kick-ass intern and you know? I can't even front like I don't feel like I had something to do with that. Ha! Mostly I'm proud to see him growing up. I'm more proud of that than of me for being there for the ride.

Hreemy! Oh, how I miss her! Chicago seems to be treating her well. I'm so glad I will officially have an ophthalmologist in the family. Lord knows with these eyes I need it!

She passed through town a few weeks ago and we had breakfast. I'm so glad that with one day in town she wanted to meet with me. That was really touching to me.

Jin sent this super funny snap this week of her on call. Looks like she was well stocked up on caffeine! I just hope she had a catheter in her bladder, too! :)  Jin is up in D.C. taking care of America's heroes. She's as awesome as she looks in this picture.

Yes. Tony is as funny as he seems on this picture. I wish I could copy and paste some of the hilarious and tearjerking emails and messages he has sent me chronicling his internship so far. It's just too much to put here. But let me tell you-- he calls me and writes me and he shares those moments on my voice and e- mail. And I deeply appreciate it that he does.

And this guy. Sigh. I've always called him Sparky (a nickname he got after a particularly . . .interesting. . .haircut he once arrived at small group with) but the name has stuck. At least for me. He is the most stoic of my group but has always been the one who could make me cry on the drop of a dime.

Case in point:

*clutching chest*

And this is why I have the very best job in the entire world. Yes, I do.

Happy Sunday.

Bonus snap:  Me and fellow Grady doctor Danielle J. in a pic taken today-- after working at Grady all weekend! We are pouting but right before this photo we were both talking about how awesome it is to watch our learners grow.

(By the way:  I met Danielle J. on her first day of internship. And. I was her ward attending during her residency. Now here we are as colleagues pseudo-lamenting about working on a cloudless weekend in Atlanta. )

1 comment:

"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan