Required Reading

Friday, March 30, 2012

Full of it.

as texted to me today: two ticks chilling on rounds
Medicine Nerd Textapalooza, today at 2:23 PM.

Her:  "Check this out!

Me: "DUDE! Full as a . . . .tick?"

Her:  "A deer tick!"

Me: "Holy cow! Is that real?"

Her: "Yep!"

Me: "Whoa. So cool."

Her: "Oh yeah."

*moment of silence*

Me:  "Syphilis! Syphilis! Syphilis!"

Her:  *throws down phone and runs off screaming in glee with hands waving all over*

Okay, okay! I admit --  Syphilis has nothing whatsoever to do with ticks and tickborne illnesses.  But. This multimedia text image I received today? It just shows you the kinds of things you might get randomly texted when your good friends just happen to be Infectious Disease medicine nerds. (In addition to heartfelt campfire discussions about syphilis.)

Ah hem. I'm just saying.

Happy Friday.

P.S. Remind me to tell you later about how much they also love tuberculosis. *cough* Yeah. Remind me.


  1. From the Deck of the Poop,

    I don't exactly get it but I love everything you do sooooo .. Happy Friday to you to LOL

    Love you..


  2. So if I get Lyme disease from one of the many damn ticks that have already buried themselves in my flesh this year, I'm coming to you for a recommendation for an infectious disease doc who will actually not only know what they're talking about but will care too. Okay? You've been warned.
    I do not plan to get syphilis. Just saying.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan