Required Reading

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You were loved.

Whitney Houston (1963 - 2012)

We all want to make a place in this world
We all want our voices to be heard
Everyone wants a chance to be someone
We all have dreams we need to dream
Sweeter than any star you can reach 
is when you reach and find
You've found someone

You'll hold the world's most priceless thing
The greatest gift this life can bring
is when you look back and know
You were loved

You were loved by someone
Touched by someone
Held by someone
Meant something to someone
Loved somebody
Touched somebody's heart along the way
You can look back and say. . . 

You did okay.

You were loved.

~ Whitney Houston in "You were loved."


We don't know exactly what happened. And sure, we can all speculate. But what we do know is that she was loved. I guess that's what makes it so sad. 

More later. But for now, may your soul rest in peace, Ms. Whitney.

And now playing on my mental iPod. . . . one of Whitney's most beautiful (yet rarely heard) recordings. . . ."You were loved."


  1. I discovered this sad news just now, right here, on your blog. She was so young and beautiful and had such a beautiful voice. It is heartbreaking. Joanne

  2. Always one of my favorites. So sad.

  3. Hey there,

    I came over from Angella Lister's blog and rummaged around here a bit. I really enjoyed reading your posts (especially the Madonna post). Happy to have found you.



"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan