Required Reading

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree.

The Grady Hospital version of Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree.
(Thank you to my fellow Grady doctor Lesley M. for this most blogworthy iPhone shot!)

I am totally putting a big a-- red ornament on the that sucker the MINUTE I get to work tomorrow.


Man, I love this place.

 Now playing on my mental iPod. . . . what y'all know about this?

Observations after watching this video:
  1. Charlie Brown may have met criteria for either depression or at least dysthymia.
  2. Snoopy is that dude.
  3. Linus is an old man trapped in a seven year old's body.
  4. Somebody should have called Department of Family and Child Services on PigPen's parents.
  5. I just remembered that Franklin didn't integrate the Peanuts until the late 1960's. Dang. 


    1. Is that a bonsai tree suffering from the plant version of anorexia? A nice red ornament will definitely cure it of its ills. :)

    2. I am currently co-directing "You Are a Good Man Charlie Brown".

      I have told the actress playing Charlie Brown to not play it sad. Charlie Brown BELIEVES. It just doesn't always work out for him. But he tries and tries again.

      I have told Snoopy to stop trying to bite people. He is Man's Best Friend.

      I have told Linus that his blanket and thumb sucking are OK because the thoughts in his head are peaceful.

      I have told Lucy that she isn't bossy. She is Narcissistic.

      I told Woodstock (who has no lines) that she is the most important part of the show.


    3. I adore the tree. So perfect.

      As for the Peanuts gang -- you should listen to some of the interviews of the late Charles Schultz. So interesting, so weird.


    "Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan