Required Reading

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Original Blogger.

Andy Rooney ~  Sunrise: 1919 Sunset: 2011

 Wow and I was just blogging about you.

Rest in peace, Mr. Rooney. I was and will always be a fan. May your rants live on.



  1. Oh no...did he pass away? I had not heard this though I know a week ago he was back in the hospital. So many wonderful years of watching him on 60 minutes...he will be missed indeed.

  2. I thought of you when I read that he'd died. He must have been floating around in your consciousness.

  3. Andy will be missed. I, too, thought of you when I heard the news of his death. You will have to continue to channel him from time to time.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan