Required Reading

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Top Ten: Life in Photos

Photos speak volumes. This week's top ten includes photos from my life. Nothing fancy.


Tech-savvy PaPa camped out at Apple Store in L.A. for new iPhone.

Last week: homework with PaPa via Skype. . . .

. . and next play with PaPa.

Two weeks ago: Work with friends that feels like play; here with Lisa B.
September 2011: Reunion with original small group members: Ant, Doug and Adam
And seeing them all grown up and remembering how much I miss them.

Last weekend: Soccer moms rock. So do funny faces.

Labor day 2011 at Lake Lanier: This is classic Zachary.

October 14, 2011: Date night on a Friday with the BHE.
. . and Grady on the same Friday on the way back from lunch at Subway.



  1. Each and every one of wonderful living --

  2. So nice. My daughter is living across the street in GSU Commons. Can you give me a heads up on where to eat around there? We keep finding quirky places, but usually too expensive for a return trip.

  3. you have some beautiful men in your life. that's for sure.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan