Required Reading

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gone too soon.

Grady will never be the same.

Clinician. Educator. Colleague. Grady doctor. Friend.

Husband. Brother. Son. Soul mate. 


 My dear colleague and friend. . . .

You have fought the good fight. 
You have finished the course. 
You have kept the faith.
Yes, you have.

And we will remember. We promise we will. 

Your friend,

~ Kimberly

In loving memory of Ildefonso Tellez, MD, MPH 
 Sunset 9/14/2011

Lourdes~  Y tu, tambien.

"Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." ~ Matthew 28:20

Now playing on my mental iPod. . . and now yours.  Patti LaBelle singing "You are my friend."


  1. So sorry for the loss of your friend and colleague.
    xo, misha

  2. I am so sorry for the loss of this good person in your life, Dr. Manning.


  3. I am sure he will live forever in your heart and in others.
    I am so sorry.

  4. I'm so sorry. He lives on through the work that y'all do at Grady everyday.

  5. Very sorry to hear of his passing but know that he has been down a long and winding road. So glad I got to speak with him when I was there earlier this year.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan