Required Reading

Monday, August 8, 2011

Haiku: Firsts and Foremosts.

First day of Pre-K!
And--two years ago--this blog
(Big time first grade, too.)

Happy 2nd Birthday to Reflections of a Grady Doctor! Thank you so much for reflecting with me!  ~ KM :)


  1. Your babies...I'm sorry...big boys look so handsome!! I hope they both have a terrific first day. Oh, and Happy 2nd Blogiversary!!

  2. Happy anniversaries, new steps, beautiful bright, happy faces, Sister Manning. Beautiful!

  3. Congratulations :) I've never commented here but ever since I found your blog a few months ago I look forward to reading your post every single day. You clearly live your life with such joy and grace. I can only hope I can be a doctor like you someday :)

  4. OMG. Zachy is a BIG BOY! And Isaiah looks like the older, wiser big brother! It's been an amazing ride watching your babies grow up.

  5. Your boys are just so dang cute!

    And happy blogaversary -- I'm so glad to be here, reading and amazed.

  6. you boys smiles shine right out at us. they are so clearly loved and cared for, so sure. it is beautiful to see. happy anniversary, dear one. i am so glad to be here.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan