Required Reading

Monday, August 1, 2011

Camp Papa Postcard Classics: Coast to Coast

Dear Papa,

What are you doing? Are you wored out? Mommy said to say thank you for the hostatality. I don't know what that is, but thank you, okay. Also thank you for no bed time and for the pool and beach until night time. Mommy said maybe you were wored out but I said not Papa.

Okay, I think you can come have a sleepover sometimes if you get sad while we are gone. Or just rest for when we come next year so you won't be wored out. If you want to you can get me a Nintendo DS for next time. Okay, bye.


Zachary, Age 4 and 3/4

P.S. We told Daddy what you said about real men give bear hugs and he said he liked that. Then we gave him a bear hug and he liked that too.

Zachary and Isaiah, Summer 2011



  1. Oh my gosh! Sweetest post ever! Made my heart happy!

  2. Home sweet home. I know your heart is full.

  3. I don't know who I am crushing on more- your daddy or your boys. Is that wrong? Well, I can live with that.

  4. hahaha. "if you want to you can get me a Nintendo DS for next time." LOVE IT. You've got some smart smart boys :)

  5. Man--how blessed are your boys to have such strong, loving men in their lives, teaching them how to be strong, loving men!!

  6. Olivia and I are going to Camp PaPa next summer...but only for like 3-4 days. Long enough to finagle a trip to LegoLand, LOL!!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan