Required Reading

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Something for e'erybody.

This morning in church we heard a message about "the kind of love that every family should have." I liked it because it was simple and perfect. And for everyone.

  • Every family should have love that is unconditional.
  • Every family should have love that is sacrificial.
  • Every family should have love that is eternal.


During these times, no matter how you define that word "family," that sounds like some good lovin' to have if you ask me.


I hope your day, your heart, and your family are all filled with a love that is unconditional, a love that is sacrificial and a love that springs eternal.

No matter what.

Happy Easter.

Look at fancy us dressed in our Easter Sunday best at our favorite fancy, highfalutin, after-church restaurant:
"La Gaufre Chambre"

(also known as "The Waffle House" for those who ain't quite as classy as us Mannings.)
Oh yeah, and happy family, too.


  1. What a wonderful message! And I agree, no matter what! And, I am very envious of the waffle house; we have nothing like that. YUM!

  2. I LOVE this! I hope you don't mind, but I posted it on Facebook. Happy Easter from Germany.

  3. Dear Woman- I wish every family did have love like that. Although maybe "eternal" is a hard concept for me. I'll go with "forever and ever," though.
    You have a beautiful family. And here's love from mine to yours...

  4. Happy Easter and happy family to you and all those you love, near and far. Unconditional love is the greatest gift on Earth, may your family always bask in its glorious warmth.

    What a happy place our little blue planet would be if only all people could be loved unconditionally from the instant they were born!

  5. We're currently on vacation visiting family in Montgomery (from Minnesota), and this week we ate at our first Waffle House (I had no idea how ubiquitous they are down here!). Our daughter ranks it just below IHOP for best restaurant ever.

    Oh, and I loved the message about love too. :)

  6. Definitely good qualities for a family to posses- unconditional, sacrificial, eternal love. I have a LOT to work on. I love my family SO much!

  7. Julia- yep, the waffle house rocks.

    Riz- thanks! post away!

    Sister Moon- "forever and ever" works just fine. And I read your blog, so I know how much love you have for your family.

    Anush- Always such sweet comments. . .thank you.

    Deborah- Oooh! Did you know that kids eat free at IHOP from 4 - 10pm for the whole month of April?! Crazy.

    SD - Don't we all have lots to work on? As long as we keep at it. . .

  8. I love that: unconditional, sacrificial, eternal. Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family. And just the sight of the Waffle House sign made my mouth water. I so miss grits out here on the west coast! With butter pats and lots of salt and pepper.

  9. Yes, beautiful love wishes from you and your gorgeous men on this day to celebrate the rebirth of Spring. Here's to the eternal renewal of love for one and all. x0 N2

  10. I love that as well. Happy Easter! We have a Waffle House right down the street from us and I have never eaten there. I love food, especially breakfast, it is a must try?

  11. Happy, happies and lots of love to you and your sweet folks.

  12. If you have not been to a Waffle House before, all I'm saying is: Get.There. (The grilled chicken melts in your mouth. Seriously. Whatever you get, you must get it with "a side of chicken.")

    Oh yeah. Have I ever mentioned that I met the CEO of The Waffle House, Inc. and tried to ask him on the "low-low" what the secret marinade was for the chicken? He said it was a family secret. Maaaaan!

  13. Wonderful post!

    My husband, daughter and I are partial to Waffle House as well. Nothing says high brow like scattered, smothered, and covered hash browns!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan