Required Reading

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Starting over.

Today I saw my patient who was mean to me yesterday.  He said he was sorry for how he spoke to me and that I didn't deserve all that. He told me that he was feeling "like he was going stir crazy." He told me that he sometimes feels "like he is trapped inside his own body." I get that because he kind of is.

I looked at his face all stubbly and ungroomed. His eyes were twinkling even though I hadn't turned the lights on in the room.

He rubbed his chin. "Can I shave?" he asked. "I'd love to have a shave."

I replied, "We'll get you shaved."  He looked relieved and appreciative.

I told him I was sorry for losing my patience with him yesterday.  He said, "Did you? You seemed pretty patient to me."  And I said, "Trust me, I wasn't." He laughed and then I did, too.

He said, "Let's start over."  And I said, "I'd like that."

So today . . .  that's exactly what we did.


  1. I love a happy ending. or beginning.

  2. Marvelous! Hope the journey has more ups than downs on all levels!

  3. Nice effort and suggestion he made. I wish you both better times ahead in your relationship. The positive part is your two way respect,caring,and honesty to keep trying and working it out.

  4. It makes it so much easier when we are able to walk in as if it didn't even bother us at all. Sometimes it works for me, sometimes not.

  5. Very sweet post. I teared up when I read it this morning. I'm glad he felt compelled to apologize.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan