Required Reading

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Mine eyes have seen the coming. . . . ."

 50 years my senior: Imagine what these eyes have seen. . . .
Moments to savor (shared with patient's permission)

 "See folks look at you 
and all they see is the glory, doc.
But, see. . . 
they don't know yo' story."

~  real talk from a Grady elder

Heard in the clinic at Grady yesterday:

Patient: "When I look at you, I see straight through to who came before you. I see every person who built you up and loved on you and made you who you are.  Not what's different about us."

Resident: "That's beautiful, sir."

Patient: "Know what else I see?" 

Resident: "What's that?"

Patient: "I see goodness.  That's what I see. Goodness." (starts crying) "And how faithful the Lord is."

I heard these words spoken by an octogenarian Grady elder to the young, earnest, resident physician serving as the primary care provider. They contrasted each other in every way--from age, to upbringing, to race--they were so different. Yet still. . . . .the connection they shared could not have been more authentic. I was fortunate enough to be supervising the encounter, and had the privilege to witness that exchange.  

Goodness, indeed.

Imagine working at a place where you get to hear and see things like that. . . . .sigh. This is what we see at Grady. More than all of the other things you might read about or hear about. This is what we see.


Today I'm reflecting on some of my favorite moments with the Grady elders.  Here are a few of my favorite posts including them. . . . . .they are probably some of the ones I reread the most. Hope you enjoy revisiting them, too. . . .or reading them for the first time if you are new to the neighborhood!

 Lessons learned:

  1. Nobody keeps it real like the Grady elders.
  2. Nobody praises the Lord like the Grady elders.
  3. Nobody puts you in your place like the Grady elders.
  4. Nobody makes you laugh like the Grady elders.
  5. Nobody makes you cry like the Grady elders.
  6. Nobody teaches you and makes you reflect like the Grady elders.

With thanks and gratitude to them all. . . . . .

Now playing on my mental iPod:


  1. love it- love it
    so true- i miss that place!! thanks for sharing

  2. AWESOME post. When someone asks me why I'm considering geriatrics, I'll direct them right here!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan