Required Reading

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How we roll.

Valentine's hot date 2009
Valentine's hot date 2011
Mommy + Daddy + Isaiah + Zachary + together =  One perfectly hot date for Valentine's Day.


New Year's Eve 2011

Mommy + Daddy - (Isaiah + Zachary) + together =  Very necessary component to keeping Valentine flame perfectly hot.

New Year's Eve 2010

Believe that.

Enjoy this song if you have a moment. . . . now playing on my mental iPod today and reminding me that even though I'm a mommy-slash-doctor-slash-teacher-slash-wife, I'm also just a girl. . . which reminds me of this wonderfully cheesy movie scene:


Happy Valentine's Day to all of you girls and boys.


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"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan