Required Reading

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top Ten of Ten.

Top ten things that happened to me in 2010 (in no specific order):

1.  Isaiah starting kindergarten and me walking him to the bus stop every morning.

2.  Seeing my best friend, Lisa, become a mother.

Prayers realized
3.  Another year of being the lady of the Manning house.

"Boys rule, girls drool. Except for you, Mommy."

4.  My blog getting mentioned in The Oprah Magazine. (Wow.)

Do I know it? I wrote it!

5.  Still being in love with my husband in a world that often isn't pro-marriage.

6.  Having my kids go to "Camp Pa Pa" to spend 3 weeks with my dad every summer and knowing that they're getting a chance to be exposed to all things Pa Pa.

7.  Double dutching on my 40th birthday!

40? Bring it on, baby!
8.  Getting the opportunity to be on CNN and hearing Anderson Cooper address me by my name.

Chance of a lifetime. . . .

9.  Another awesome year of the working + learning + teaching + growing at Grady Hospital. Especially with the Grady elders!

In my office -- It's all Grady!

10. Realizing that I had so many blessings in 2010 that I cannot list them all. And that, thanks to writing, I was more present than ever in every single one of them.

Just to name a few. . . . .

My med student advisee, Doug's wedding
Being a part of someone's medical education
Being a part of someone's medical celebration
the "Mommy and Isaiah day"
Going to The Dr. Oz Show
Visions on my vision board realized making room for bigger visions!
Isaiah's Fab 5 Funfest and the giant slide
The ACP meeting in Toronto, ON
Isaiah's Pirate Cake

Seeing Neil as a dad!

Ringing in the New Year of 2010 with great friends
Realizing that sister = automatic bff

Realizing that Mommy-slash-Grandmommy = Love without limits
Teaching on the Grady wards with awesome people

Flowers for the living

Zachary's birthday costume party at school (here with his buds)

Christmas with little ones

Fireworks on the 4th and forever in my heart

Happy New Year.

Thanks for being present with me. Really.


  1. Sounds like a Beautiful Year! Happy New Years!

  2. What a gorgeous year!
    (And that wedding in Mexico City?! Fantastic!)
    Happy 2011 to you!

  3. Happy New Year to you too. Love the blog and seeing the photos and hearing about your life.

  4. My sincerest wishes for an even better 2011 for you and everyone you love!

  5. Hooray for that Oprah mention, because that's what got me here. Cheers to 2010.... and Happy 2011 to you and yours. :)


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan