Required Reading

Friday, October 22, 2010

One breath.

You do the math. . . . .

1 mommy-doctor-friend-teacher-wife

divided by:

1 lecture at regional Hospital Medicine professional meeting on Thursday completed just in the nick of time
1 manuscript revision due "as soon as you can turn it around to us" (read: Monday)
1 lecture scheduled to be given on Friday (today) on a topic I've never presented on before today, worked on nearly all night because night before was working on other Thursday lecture
1 self-professed procrastinator and refuse-er to do such work while kids are awake and wanting my attention
1 public hospital with 1 million things awaiting me to do once there. . . .
1 superhero costume preschool class party (today) for Zachary who turns 4 on Saturday (yay)
1 mom who would be in poor form not to be there at superhero costume preschool class party despite fact that she has lecture scheduled that she is not 100% ready to give
1 very-best-friend who's baby shower is right around the corner and still with things on to-do list remaining
1 baby-in-best-friend's tummy who deserves a sweet welcome
1 alarm clock that almost got smashed to bits
1 school bus to catch after restricted sleep
1 5-year-old who made 1 request for us to sit "criss-cross apple sauce" on the (cold) ground while waiting for bus
1 kitchen in desperate need of grocery shopping
1 early-morning class to teach to 8 eager medical students
1 head that desperately needs a haircut. (3 if you count my sons.)
1 3 and 364-day-old who refuses to stay in his bed or use inside voice in middle of the night
1 pushover mom (me) who fusses at 1 husband for fussing at 1 3 and 364-day-old 1 day before his birthday
1 3 and 364-day-old ruining my sleep due to teeth-grinding and placing his feet on my face
1 medical resident, 1 medical student, 1 + 1 new faculty that I need to schedule meetings with
1 soccer team expecting me to bring the snacks for the game on Saturday
1 5-year-old who keeps losing his library book that's due today
1 soccer cleat (that is less than 1 month old) that has now been missing nearly 1 week
1 husband who fed kids Mickey-Dees on yesterday for dinner, but with apple wedges instead of fries (go Harry.)
1 tired wife who did not object. . . . .


1 busy, frazzled, tired mommy-slash-doctor-slash-wife-friend who is thankful for two ends of one candle in which to burn. . . . .and even more thankful for

1 life that I would not trade for anything.


  1. Completely in love with this post! You are truly a superwoman & supermom! I know Harry & my nephews appreciate you... and so do I!!!

    Can't believe the Great Poo-doo-doo-DOWSKI is going to be FOUR tomorrow!

    Two weeks until I see you & I'm kinda mad that my trip will be so short.

    Love, BizzyBee

  2. Love It. Enjoying the life I have now as an M2, and looking forward to juggling 1 wonderful thing aften another in years to come :-)

  3. Wow! You are amazing.
    I can't believe that alarm clock is still alive.

  4. truly, truly, truly I do not know how you do it all! Superwoman is an understatement.

  5. My candle burns at both ends,
    It will not last the night.
    But ah my foes, and oh my friends,
    It gives a lovely light.


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan