Required Reading

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Celebrating the Least of These: Happy Birthday to "Reflections of a Grady Doctor!"

Wow! Can you believe it's been a whole year since I started this crazy thing?

From those who have been reading since August 8, 2009 to those who just started reading today--thank you. Getting these thoughts out of my head and into these stories seals their places in my heart forever. I find myself not wanting to forget things and people and situations and lessons. This has been a joyful place to keep them--I'm so glad this medium exists and that you've been there for the ride.

As corny as it might sound, "Reflections of a Grady Doctor" has been a therapeutic, productive, and important journey for me. It feels like a celebration of public hospitals and the indigent patient population, clinician-educators, health care providers, mommy-hood, wife-hood, family-hood, friendship, spirituality, and everything each teaches me along the way. The fact that anyone other than me (and my parents) reads this is touching. . . . and even more, it's like a loving punctuation mark on the end of every sentence I type.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for feeling. :)

~ Kimberly Manning, MD (aka gradydoctor)

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

~ Matthew 25:40


  1. Thank you for sharing and writing! Hands down... your blog is one of my favorites and is often one of the first I read when I have a full google reader. :)

  2. congrats on a year, kim!! that is awesome.
    aug 8 is also my parent's wedding anniversary so i will always remember. :)

  3. I am still reading from St. Louis! You remind me to keep my patients in mind and remember why we all put in the long hours. Say hi to Emory for me!

  4. Thank you!!! Even though we talk every other day, I do feel closer to you & the boys when I read your blog! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


  5. Congrats, and thank you for the great stories...your blog is fantastico!


"Tell me something good. . . tell me that you like it, yeah." ~ Chaka Khan