Required Reading

Monday, May 3, 2010

Early Morning Reflections about Legendary Leadership: Touched by an Angel

"We have to realize we are building a movement."

~ Dorothy I. Height

Dorothy Irene Height
(March 24, 1912 – April 20, 2010)

Civil Rights Activist






I think exceptional leadership doesn't happen by accident. It has to be pondered. . .reflected upon. . .and then worked toward deliberately. I often like to ponder great leaders. . .from the most well known to those right down the hall from me at Grady. This morning, I am reflecting on a legendary leader, Dr. Dorothy Irene Height, who recently passed away. She really exemplified what a young woman of any color can do for the world. . . .and then went on to break age barriers by demonstrating what an older woman can do in the same lifetime. The coolest thing about her is that she never really looked for credit. In fact one of her famous quotes says, "If you worry about who is going to get credit, you won't get much work done." She's a great leader to ponder. Who are your favorite leaders?

Not familiar with Dorothy Height? Get familiar here.

President Obama at Dorothy Height's Memorial Service

Greatness . . . . .

. . . . in the presence of greatness (wow!)

"I want to be remembered as someone who used herself
and anything she could touch to work for justice and freedom....
I want to be remembered as one who tried."

~ Dorothy I. Height


Thank you for inspiring so many of us. . .
to make our own marks,
walk in our own purpose,
and build our own movements.

(And thank YOU for reading about her today.)

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